KQs 3bet pot OOP
Posted by NickHalden
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Low Stakes
KQs 3bet pot OOP
Blinds: $0.10/$0.25 (6 Players)
BN: $16.47
SB: $32.60 (Hero)
BB: $34.00
UTG: $63.17
MP: $30.07
CO: $29.06
SB: $32.60 (Hero)
BB: $34.00
UTG: $63.17
MP: $30.07
CO: $29.06
Hero is SB with
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Vs unknown 25z
I decided to x flop, I don't want to build a big pot OOP with a hand that is not that strong, and he was unknown anyway
OTR fold vs that sizing? 3:1 I think I have to call
His value range AQs (I beat QJs, he can value that combo too) AT, KT, QT, 55, TT but there are a lot of missed draw
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I guess fold turn or call river on blank. He can go for thin value with a hand like yours or slightly worse, he doesnt have that many Tx, but enough draws that busted.
Complicated spot. turn sizing doesn't look at all of a 10, it is too small, but the sizing on river looks like value, And u are blocking KJ , I'll rather just fold, QQ Q10
1010 and 55 makes a lot of sense, also u block KJ, I only see an AhKh and J9 combos turns into bluff.
Otf both betting and checking is fine.
As played I'm calling down but expect to lose most of the time.
Somehow his betsizing doesn't make sense to me if he has a draw and would like you to fold. Looks more like thin value or trapping with the nuts.
A quick emulation shows that even if we give him a few busted draws, there need to be quite a lot of them to just make it a very close call:
KsQs vs QQ,TT,55,AQs,ATs,KQs,KTs,QTs+,JTs,AhKh,AhJh,KhJh,Ah9h,Kh9h,Jh9h,Ah5h,AQo,KQo = 33% vs 66% while needing 32.4%... Seems like a fold by that reasoning.
Hero needs less than 25% equity to profitably call, not 32.4%.
^ This!
also 33% > 32.4% isn't it? ;)
I seem to have a blackout here, why only 25%?
And yes, 33% > 32.4% :)
I guess my point was that it is already a strong assumption that he is going to turn all of his draws into a bluff, isn't it? That's why if it is already close I'd rather tend to fold then
Half pot bet = 25%
Full pot bet = 33%
Dude, I dont mean to be rude or anything, but in my opinion it is your job to know how to calculate pot odds (the simplest mathematical calculation in poker) when giving strategy answers in a poker forum, specially when you use it as an argument for your answer. Ten minutes of googling will solve your problem and prevent you from making mistakes at the tables.
You are right, like I said, had a short blackout here. I'm actually getting back into the grind after a while of absence and trying to get used to thinking as a poker player again. Probably won't be the last time I make a pretty obvious mistake but bear with me. I'm motivated and willing to contribute in a constructive way.
Thats the spirit!
Just try to revisit the most common/basic principles, so that you dont end up giving bad/wrong advice. If OP is a beginner for example, and no one sees or is willing to correct your post, then both of you will carry the mistake with you, and possibly to other people.
True true! I'll pay more attention the next time :)
Turn is a clear call against that bet size. Partly because you have two outs to the effective nuts and he can value bet same hand/worse or bluff.
River is purely a bluff catching spot. Knowing anything about the player will help. You can do better than just villain is unknown in my opinion. Silver star? Playing one table? Limp? All those things can help. Just him not showing VIP level eliminates a few players. I think it's reasonable to assume almost all 25z players trippel barrel bluff too little, but they do however bluff more compared to pot odds when using smaller bet sizes like here. I would say really close spot to the point I don't think it really matters what you do. Probably a "GTO" call tho.
Go all-in ;)
Interesting comments guys! Thank you. I don't remember clearly but I think he was playing 2 tables.
I still think it's close vs that sizing.
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