KQo cold 4bet bluff
Posted by KillEV
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Low Stakes
KQo cold 4bet bluff
Blinds: $0.05/$0.10 (5 Players)
BB: $18.69 (Hero)
UTG: $10.19
CO: $12.98
BN: $10.00
SB: $15.18
UTG: $10.19
CO: $12.98
BN: $10.00
SB: $15.18
Hero is BB with
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Villain seemed like a reg over a small sample, I decided to make a 4bet with my blockers, should be ok but it is pretty wide.
I was pot controlling flop with intention to call down on turn and river.
I was pretty confused by his turn sizing - I think he can flat KK+ to the cold 4bet. Also AQ is in his range but I'm blocking. I'm not sure what he would use this sizing with...
On the turn my problem was I don't know what to do to river action. If he shoves it's ugly, if he bets halfpot it's still pretty ugly. But I don't really understand what his line means.
Vs his weird river sizing it's fine, but I didn't anticipate it.
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Calling a 3bet seems much better than 4betting to me. As played it's fine I guess. It's not like we're folding!
I don't really have much of a calling range. If I did this is pretty close to the bottom of it.
Facing a larger bet on the river surely it's pretty hard to call there? Or maybe I just a nit.
Oh fuck I missread the action! Yeah dont call. :D
(Thought you were BTN)
I think you can cbet this board, xb turn and call or bet if checked OTR. I like this line much more.
What is your plan facing a shove if we cbet?
I dont think we'll ever face a shove here
In 4-bet pot, checking back the flop is often a good idea. On that kind of dry board you can also go with 1/4 to 1/3 of the pot.
In that spot with your specific hand, it's either you are far ahead or far behind witch suggest more checking. I really like the idea of pot controlling.
With his line, vilain is going to show up with some trap like AA but most likely hand like JJ and 10-10 that wanted some protection and thin value versus AK. In an explotative way the sizing river really looks like those kind of hand.
Since he is probably not calling with any pocket pair to a raise on river and he can still play some AA or KK that way, there is no point in raising there.
Showing such strength vs 2 more players, ( and actually bluffing) with KQo you actually hoping they fold. If not pf you have to take your chance on flop.
I read an article by Doug Polk, hope it helps
Nice article.
By 4betting its actually saying i have the AA.Which leads to cb on any kind of flop, sensing where you stand, help you get more info from villain reaction, hoping he will fold. You are wondering because by just calling cannot get any info and by the time you get to river any kind of bet is confusing. Would love to know what he showed...
of course it all depends on your image at the table
And also overplaying the hand that I have. 4betting says I have QQ+ and AK, along with a couple of potential bluffs if villains think that I will do that. Not just AA. And I don't think we should cbet 100%
He had TT
I'm very happy with the checkback on the flop, I think it is fine. My uncertainty came with how to respond to his turn bet size and what our plan should be after
thanks i was wondering too what your opponent had
I don't like the bluff 4bet as you say you only have a small sample = no sample. If you are really confident in his statistics/notes/history I like it, but for cold 4betting KQo I need to have more certainty like a note on a hand he showed up with something like JTs, ATs or preferably 78s in a 3bet sbvbut.
I would prefer a hand like AJs over KQo to cold 4Bet as a bluff vs practically unknowns. Maybe a suited non broadway A is even better then KQo because of the card removal effect and the tendency of our villains to just call here OOP instead of 5betjam, KQo will play really poor as you'll have to play it so passive. with some draw+hopefully live card A we can put a lot more pressure and never be drawing dead when getting it in postflop
As played post flop I like it
KQ off is a good 4-bet bluff hand.
I don't mind you disagree, and I would love to hear your opinion. But saying "KQo is a good 4betbluff hand" is worthless. Yes it's good because it has blockers but this implies you flat ATs-AKs, Axo-Axo or you also cold 4bet those? Why do we need so much cold 4betbluff combinations in your opinion on a 10NL pool vs unkown players?
So please read the entire situation with active players and positions and add the assumptions you make for unknown players on 10NL to give your comment some value. Maybe we then can learn something from you.
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