KQo 4bet pot

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KQo 4bet pot

Blinds $0.50/$1.
UTGPlayer6: $100.
UTG+1Player1: $155.45
COHero: $111.
DPlayer3: $102.
SBPlayer4: $114.
BBPlayer5$: 84.17

Hero is CO $1.50
2 folds, Hero raises to $2.50, 1 fold, Player4 (SB) raises to $8.50, 1 fold, Hero raises to $20, Player4 (SB) calls $11.50


$41 2
Player4 (SB) checks, Hero bets $11.68, Player4 (SB) calls $11.68


$64.36 2
9s4sKh Js.
Player4 (SB) checks, Hero checks


$64.36 2
9s4sKh Js7h.
Player4 (SB) goes all-in $82.32, Hero???


It s against regular with out special reads (Party Poker).
I really dont know, what to do. There are arguments for both c/f. So what to do?

thanks :)


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mfutoma 6 years, 1 month ago

Here are my thoughts on each street:
PF I prefer a fold because KQo will play so badly postflop, as the situation shows. But maybe there is room to 4bet some percentage with KQo.
Flop I like your bet as played.
Turn I would bet. You might be dead against AQss or ATss on occasion but I think you can get value from some QQ/TT/KT type hands and you still have equity against KJ, QT, and sets.
River I am a little hesitant, and curious what an equity calculator has to say. You're up in your range for this situation but I do not think many players would bluff their medium strength hands like QQ, TT, AJ with an ace of spades. I would guess at this point he will have a hand like KJ, QT, flush, 99, JJ, maybe even AA at too high a frequency for you to call.

Jeff_ 6 years, 1 month ago

seems ugly, because your 4bet isn't big, he can flat pre wide thus on the river put many hands into a bluff (JT,TT,T9) along with big value range 2 pairs+++.
so we are looking at our bluffcather -> good one blocking Ks, and looking pool - > 3bet too little SB/CO and not aware of odds/scared to call 4bets and bluff big pots ( that sounds too harsh,and I haven't played party poker, if that's not true calling river seems like an appealing option)

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