KK vs shove preflop deepstack

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KK vs shove preflop deepstack


you guys consider giving up deep KK preflop?
600 hands of the villain, 28/22, no info of 5bet, 4bet range 2.7 fold to 4-bet 67%, partypoker fastfoward


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TimeGoat 8 years, 8 months ago

just seems so strong when he shoves like this. if hes super tight already + given positions bets took place, deep stack, timing tells, i might fold if i was playing my best poker i think. but isn't there a taboo about folding KK PF?

conoval 8 years, 8 months ago

MP 3bet Vs EP, CO 4bet, EP jam 170bb. Reg's EP range?

Answer KK+, more often only AA and calling KK. No pot odds even Vs KK+. QQ/AK often just folding Vs this action.

Also not shure do we need 4bet in this situation and positions when MP 3bet Vs EP. Do we have bluffs? In zoom? We need have some bluffs too do it with value.

What about QQ/AK 4bet call Vs MP? I flat calling QQ/AK. So or I call all my range or have enough bluff in 4bet range to do it with KK/AA. But by 4bet and flat calling I am splitting up my range, that makes it obvious. So I prefer just calling all range.

I like 4bet all range QQ/AK+bluff on higher limits and Vs MP who have wide range Vs EP.

hardsinx 8 years, 8 months ago

I don't like call KK in this situation because EP will have a good odds to call with a lot of hands but all you told makes sense and I'm seriously considering adopting this line also, you follow this line with 100bb ef too ?

conoval 8 years, 8 months ago

In this position yes, mainly because people don't bluff enough MPvsEP and stack off often with KK+ Vs 4bet here. So for me hard have bluff range.

mason barrell 8 years, 8 months ago

You need around 42% if my math is correct. My guess is that he's shoving KK and AA always, and occasionally AKs. You only have like 32% vs that range, so I think it's a gross spot but unless you've seen him stack off on the lighter side pre, prolly just best to fold when playing this deep :-(

Don't fault you for calling tho man, it's a gross spot.

GunnJD 8 years, 8 months ago

I think folding here probably gives most villains too much credit and presumes that our opponents always play perfectly. Equity wise, he only needs 3 extra combos in addition to AKs, KK, AA for this to be a call. Give him a couple combos of AKo, or a combo of QQ, or KQo, or 98s because he's feeling fishy that day. I mean...you never know ;).

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