KK vs. flop c/r wet board. Did I overplay my hand?
Posted by Tommi Heikinniemi
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Tommi Heikinniemi
posted in
Low Stakes
KK vs. flop c/r wet board. Did I overplay my hand?
Blinds: $0.50/$1.00 (6 Players)
BN: $117.25 (Hero)
SB: $100.00
BB: $73.00
UTG: $103.27
MP: $96.50
CO: $103.05
SB: $100.00
BB: $73.00
UTG: $103.27
MP: $96.50
CO: $103.05
Opponent was regular and at least somewhat nitty
Hero is BN with
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Final Pot
wins and shows three of a kind, Kings.
CO lost and shows three of a kind, Nines.
BN wins $205.10
Rake is $2.50
CO lost and shows three of a kind, Nines.
BN wins $205.10
Rake is $2.50
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You block too many of his bluffs with this particular combo. Im 3-betting bigger preflop and just calling flop raise
What would bluffs than look like... AKo,KQo,QJo,AJs-AQs,A3s-A8s,QJs,87s
Is that reasonable?
I agree, even more if villain is nit. I don't see here x/raising with QJs or Tx, if you push he always will be calling with the top of his range
Is A9dd (im pretty often using this combo as BU3bet) a stackoff here?
Ok, did some work and found out that it's not working the way i thought it works because all villain's possible bluff hands are sharing too much equity versus hero hand.
I think most likely his bluffs are (without hero's hand blocker effect) AcQc, KcQc, AcJc, KcJc, QdJd, QcJc, Th9h, Ts9s, 8d7d, 8c7c.
Then his valueregion obviously: TT, 99, 33, T9s
KdKc is not doing great versus this range: 31% equity.
Random AdAs, what suprises me the most - 30%.
Ad9d even worse - 26%.
So what i learned: KcKd blocker effect is really not that relevant, because even if its blocking some of villain bluffs, it also performs better than Tx/9x hands versus other bluffs - mostly because of overcards. And then again, effect is not that big, because villain bluffs are sharing a lot of equity with hero's value.
So best hands to defend versus raise are simple these ones that are least dead versus villain valuerange of T9/TT/99/22 - so that would be strong combodraws, basically same range that i gave villain's for his bluffs.
preflop 3bet was too small
at flop i will always fold or call , most time i will fold,a few time i will call。because i do not think he has any bluff range here。
3.his range is 22 99 TT JQs 67s TJ, total 14 combos,you far away fall behind his range。
if he call at flop and raise at turn , it looks like to strong.
so he just want let you in all or make the pot bigger, then he can allin at turn or river.
so , i think you made the worst choise, even you won the pot.
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