KK river decision

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KK river decision

Third hand of new live game playing 1-2 NL no reads.

UTG raise to $10.
Fold to hero in mp with KK.
Hero three bets to $25.
Folded to UTG villion who calls.
1094chs rainbow flop.
Villain checks.
Hero bets $35.
Villain calls.
Turn 2s.
Villain checks.
Hero checks.
River Kh.
Villain bets $75.

I consider just calling, but think it's too weak. My thought is we lose too much value from smaller sets. We are losing to only QJ, and although I think it's definitely in his range, I think 99, 1010, 44 also belong in there. My main question when processing try hand was whether villain could call pre flop oop with QJ, and whether villain would check the turn with sets.


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BigFiszh 9 years, 5 months ago

What's going on here? You min-3bet-preflop against an UTG-open? In a live game?! The live games I play, you could / should've 3-bet to 60 - and got insta-called. :D These guys normally don't open 5x from early position (against the entire table) to then not see the flop.

Bet big on the flop! And what happened on the turn? Did you actually xb the turn?! When the flush draw arrives? What was your logic behind that?

Disharmonist 9 years, 5 months ago

"and whether villain would check the turn with sets" ofc he could, if he tried to x/raise you OTT to get more money in quickly on a board that is dry as a desert.

bronxsystem 9 years, 5 months ago

bet turn
as played probably flat river > ship. To ship he needs to be a pretty big fish.

your questions bottom of hand. yeah he can have QJ and yeah he can check sets ott. However a large % of time they c/r sets on that board

Caleb Bruynes 9 years, 5 months ago

I did end up shoving the river, to be called by QJ. Obviously checking turn is a mistake. I remember questioning whether I could get three streets of value. At the time I thought I would bet flop and check turn so that I could be called lighter on the river by one pair hands (77, 88) or possibly over cards that pair on the river. (QJ, KQ, AJ, AK, AQ) Hands that don't necessarily give up on flop in standard 1-2nl games.

bronxsystem 9 years, 5 months ago

that's good logic though. If you think he has more air combos compared to made hand combos than checking ott is better if he bets river often. However Its not going to be the case very often. Usually they have ton of TP 2nd pair udnerpairs, overpairs and are to passive to make checking turn better.

Dr. Whale 9 years, 5 months ago

Yeah, agree with bronxsystem - which side track like the activity he has on these forums.

I think the river is a call. By jamming the river, you're almost never getting called by worse. Live players at these stakes hardly ever bet river without a hand (same goes for when they check raise the turn). Key being live and at these stakes - which is what I typically play.

On the turn I think your opponent shut down with the flush draw and an unmade hand. I'd bet 2/3 pot. Betting partially for protection against the straight and flush draw and partially for value as your hand is good against most opponets - people who like to float or who think they're good with top top. I think if villain had a set he would have bet the turn, and he has no business calling preflop with a two pair hand. Live 1/2 players tend to float like crazy.

I like the flop bet, but probably would have gone higher.

I tend to agree with others on raising more preflop - like 30-35.

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