KK on button vs BB
Posted by Jonisaverage
Posted by Jonisaverage posted in Low Stakes
KK on button vs BB
SB: $4.38
BB: $12.38
UTG: $3.84
MP: $5.35
CO: $4.83
Rake is $0.02
First post on here. I don't think I played this hand too great, too passive - but I'm also trying to learn to stop overvaluing hands based on their pre-flop value. We only had 28 hands history, he was 33/22. My thoughts on reviewing are that I wish I had re-raised flop as I think I can get called by worse often and I am charging the draws - I could run into a set and it would be hard to fold at that point. As played, when he checked the turn, I think I should probably have bet (and folded to a raise or jam). I've only been playing for about a year, but in my experience the overbet on the river is almost always for value - at 2c/5c people aren't thinking about balance - this is what I would probably do with a 6, looking for a non-believer to call. And I think as button vs BB we both have quite a lot of 6x in our range, so in his shoes I wouldn't have been firing a bluff too often. Interested in peoples thoughts?
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