KK on A high board, letting Villain Bet.
Posted by Teaef
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Low Stakes
KK on A high board, letting Villain Bet.
SB: $52.01
BB: $27.08
UTG: $56.05
UTG1: $37.28
UTG2: $50
LJ: $57.90
HJ: $52.76 (Hero)
CO: $50
UTG folds, UTG1 folds, UTG2 folds, LJ folds, Hero raises to $1.50, CO calls $1.50, BN folds, SB folds, BB folds
Hey I hope you guys can help me with somewhat of a tough hand.
Allirght, so Villain plays
15/19/2,4 (VPIP/PFR/AF) 19% Vpip CO, 19% WTSD 1,1k Hands
45% f2Cbet Flop, 70% bet vs missed Cbet Turn River AGG% 60
He also seemed to barrel rather frequently as PFA in Flop, Turn and River.Overall a solid player I guess.
I decide to x/c Turn, as he bets 70% vs a missed Cbet.
However the Board is rather dry and not too many floats are possible.
Still I assume he might have some Broadways like KsQs, KsJs, JsTs etc. and some weaker PPs which he is going to barrel on the Turn.I don't really know, whether he will bet TT/JJ or J9s here.
The River blanks, he tanks a while and bets again.Now the problem is, that you usually don't see a lot of people on NL50 turning much into a bluff on the River but giving up instead (he would also have to think sometimes that when I called the Turn and the River blanks, I might be intended to call again).
Honestly, I don't really think he bets JJ/TT here.Especially J9s
With the rest i'm not sure.If we think he is capable of betting some spade Braodways and turning J9s into a bluff we have to call right?
Or do we just fold here, as we are in a guessing Spot.
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I'd probably check/fold turn. As played, check/fold river.
x/f Turn is way too weak imo. He doesn't like folding to cbets very much, thus he's able to float especially in these positions.We would x/f too much on the Turn, if we give up on that Turn in this situation I think.
Well, if you have the read then reach out with your feeling.
Wait, I got a better idea, now that you gave description of the perp, bet/cc/crai and see how he likes it.
Mhhh now that you said it I actually really like the Idea of turning KK into a Bluff here at first.
It's going to be really tough for him to call good Ax combos here.
The problem is, we have to think about what we represent:
99/22/AA/A9 and of course 55, but that's only 1 combo
When he's holding AQ/AJ, which he valuebets, he knows there's only 1 combo AA left for us.
It's also unlikely I openraise A9o in MP3.Ocassionally I will (depending on the players behind me), but I'll be openraiseing A9s more frequently.
So this leaves us with only 1 combo A9s left (when he's holding an A himself), wich makes a total of
14 Valuecombos (including all A9o combos).
Our Line would also look very strange, since we would rather bet 22/99/A9 ourself for Value expecting him to call /w Ax and x/c, x/r River is a very fancy Line.
When he can sniff out, that we might turn QQ/KK into a bluff here, he might herocall here given the odds when we shove (he would need aroung 33% EQ to call).
Would like to hear some more opinions on that.I still think x/rAi would put a lot of pressure on Villain and kinda like the idea, but it's hard to pull the trigger :D
And I'm not sure, whether herocalling is still better than bluffshoving
Board: Ah5s2c9s5d
Equity Win Tie
SB 60.87% 60.87% 0.00% { QQ+, 99, 55, 22, A9s, A9o }
BB 39.13% 39.13% 0.00% { AcQh }
You're probably getting hero called pretty light here if you're c/r the river since your line looks so incredible. Most ppl just bet/bet/bet with their sets. Also because of the board pairing river you now can have less strong hands for value.
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