KK on a AA board

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KK on a AA board

I hate to put these types of hands but they often put me in a pickle a lot of the times. Here is the hand from a Bovada Zoom 5nl.

Bovada Zone .02/.05
UTG Hero = $8.03
UTG+1 $2.45
CO= $3.75
BTN= $3.99
SB= $2.13
BB= $2.05

Pre Flop
UTG Hero KdKh raises to 0.15
UTG+1 calls 0.15
CO folds
BTN folds
SB folds
BB calls 0.15

FLOP 9h Ac Kc

BB - checks
HERO - bets 0.23
UTG+1 - folds
BB - calls 0.23

Turn is 9h Ac Kc Ah
BB - checks
*HERO - 0.75
BB- calls

River is 9h Ac Kc Qc
BB checks with $1.52
Hero - ??

I don't have any reads for it's Bovada zone so I am playing straight forward. he seems to be playing very passive or trapping, one of the two. I have seen some really wacko plays on the site since I started this weekend playing here so it wouldn't surprise me some A rag that is being played here from the Villian.

The checks to my strong triple barrel seems pretty strong on his side. The question, should I have folded?

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