KK 3bet Pot 2NL Zoom

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KK 3bet Pot 2NL Zoom

He opens 3x, SB flats, I 3bet to 15x SB folds. On the flop I bet half pot expecting to get called by TT, 99, JJ and QQ sometimes. I probably should have bet bigger with no club. Turn is really interesting he now cant have AQcc, I block AK, AJcc I don't know how often he peels the 3bet with that cause he is really tight vs 3bets from what I remember on my hud stats. I don't expect him to have AcXx other than AcKx. I didn't really know what to do on that turn I bet half pot again as a kind of block bet? AKcc,AJcc should shove here thinking he gets paid when I bet again and I get an easy fold, JJ or TT with a club we can get value from, AcKx AcQx should not be calling flop often so I am not afraid of making an inccorect fold against a shove. Taking into consideration the suited wheel aces he might peel, although unlikely, my play seems even worse. River is pretty clear. Do you think there is any merit to my turn bet? Against an unknown this would be pretty bad but what about this guy, I think he had something close to 88% fold to 3bet over 200 hands.

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