KJs for value
Posted by Cozacu
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Low Stakes
KJs for value
Blinds: $0.05/$0.10 (6 Players)
CO: $9.85
BN: $10.00
SB: $10.00
BB: $11.46
UTG: $8.65
MP: $10.28 (Hero)
BN: $10.00
SB: $10.00
BB: $11.46
UTG: $8.65
MP: $10.28 (Hero)
Both villains fishy with big VPIP/PFRs
Hero is MP with
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This is actually a value 3b vs villain with no positional awareness
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I don't want to bet/fold...turn hits CO`s range pretty hard, we bet/call so vs his sizing x/c I think is fine.
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can't see him bluffing much, and again vs his value range we are behind so I end up folding
1) Would you play this differently ? Why ?
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Nh, WP. Dont mind checking flop as well, as we dont need all too much protection.
As I think about it further we should fold turn. At first sight it seems like a trivial and easy x/call.
But think about CO range. TT-QQ are typical cold call hands IP, also AK doesnt fold flop against 50% pot bet. Even AQ or KQ can be in there, not entirely sure if it would bet turn tough. Given that, unimproved, we will a hard time calling, a J might lure us into more trouble, and a k also, an Ace or 9 will give us a straight, but not the nut straight, which can be dangerous as well. And we have a hard time getting paid by worse.
Agree.. that turncard is just horrible for us. Check/fold turn should be the play.
Agree with the others. Having an OESD + mid pair looks good, but with this one you have a lot of reverse implied and barely any normal implied odds.. also, it is kinda impossible for him to bluff at this point.
Disagree with the others. Can't fold this hand vs such a small sizing at NL10. Don't give fish that much credit. WP I think. I like flatting pre as well, since our hand plays well in multi way pots
I think you played it fine. We can't really fold turn vs that sizing imo.
flop check is an option
never folding turn, leading binked rivers small
Yes, leading potential river is def. better than checkign and hoping for a bet (from which hand), tough leading standard/big, will cause many folds. I ´d go with 1/4 - 1/3.
Turn is a tricky card. I would either barrel again on the turn and if we get raised or don't improve on the river give up on the hand. Or check/fold. Check calling makes it rather difficult because our only goal is to catch the straight at this point. Villain can definitely have J10/Q10/KQ/AK in this spot so once he gets into us on the turn I think we have to give it up
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