Kindly asking an opinion-based question regarding to HUD STATS.
Posted by Eric717
Posted by Eric717 posted in Mid Stakes
Kindly asking an opinion-based question regarding to HUD STATS.
Hello warriors, nice meeting y’all here, recently GG networks have added their own built-in hud for all game profiles.
Wanted to kindly ask your opinion with my stats “given" especially towards my flop&turn&river frequencies.
VPIP 24. PFR 15, ATS 24%, 3 BET 8
Flop: CB54 FCB 32 CCB 57 RCB 11
Turn: CB58 FCB45 CCB38 RCB 17
River: WT27 WSD47 TAF21 HANDS 20K
-How would you feel about this particular player in general, if you noticed this from the player pool?
-Do you see anything you'd dislike in some spots from your perspective?
-Do you have any tips for me? Greatly appreciated!
Some additional info about my games:
-Reason why I'd like to hear about your opinions because I have never properly studied hud stats(also never used stats analytical tools such for play pool, etc), like those ones you see on stars or Party, I have played all of my games on GG since it came out.
-I focus play on z100&200 (rake 5%, cap 3bb), sometimes z50 depending on the player pool.
-I somewhat "think" I'm a well-balanced and tough opponent to play against.
-I use a lot of limp call / limp 3 bet strategy when sb vs. bb
Thanks for reading! Happy to study with yall here, feel free to ask me for any zoom hands or to ask me anything in the message, I'd like to make some friends here!
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