KdTs4d9h w/AdQd vs UTG
Posted by BeyazKin
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Low Stakes
KdTs4d9h w/AdQd vs UTG
Just one question for this hand: How would you play here ? Check back on the turn ? Call the check raise on the turn... and shove against to check raise ? what do you think.. opponent is reg player.. 18 / 13 / 3 af. in 4k hands..
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Sucks but we kind of have to fold, we don't know if all our outs are clean (9d,Td) and yeah I just don´t think he is bluffing here ever when he is that tight.
But I´m not really sure, what hands do you think he can do this with ?
Opponent's range in QJs , 99, 9Ts high probably but really I am not sure because he is so tight for 6max.
well we can make our xback range strong on turn + we are protected from this action...
Also i choose 3 sides - depending my mood
1)call flop/ check back turn....mixing with one pair decent kicker type of hands(like AK)
2)call flop/brutal Shove turn.. mixing with str8s/sets/two pairs
3)raise flop / shove most turns....mixing with sets/two pairs also
But i dont like this bet fold size on turn in either of my actions...
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