Jxx Rainbow Board BTN vs BB Write Up

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Jxx Rainbow Board BTN vs BB Write Up

Flop J♥8♣2♠

Button strategy dictates we can mix sizes to simplify we can use either a small or large 27% or 75% with over pairs we can overbet

BB strategy dictates vs 27% we only raise our strongest value (sets, two pair) we can mix draws as a raise at a low frequency but to simplify just call everything but the nuts/effective nuts on the flop

BB strategy vs 75% we call more only raising sets

Turn - Button vs BB X We are choosing overbet on A/K turns with value and draws Q/Tx we are mainly checking or using a 75% size w/ value and draws. On low blanks we are mainly choosing check or overbet with value and draws

River - BB we are donking river for 30% with middle strength hands e.g. 87s/o bet 60% Strong Blockers second pairs and weak top pairs and overbet strongest value on low paired runouts

BTN vs BB check we are Choosing Overbet with Strongest Value and Bluffs 99/TT (missed draws) and 60% with strong value and second pairs on low paired runouts

On high card rivers we are betting 59% TP SP and Strong 2P check sets and draws and weak 2P vs BB check

vs BB donk we are raising strongest value and using lowest pairs as bluffs calling second pair and and 3rd pair

Summary of high card (Dry Board) Runouts (Jxx)

BTN vs BB (Check)

Flop - Mix Strategy 27% or 75% or (150% w/ overpairs)
Turn - A/Kx = Overbet Q/Tx = X or 75% w/ Value & Draws 4/5x etc = Overbet w/value & draws
River - 150% w/ Strongest Value/ Bluffs - - 60% w/ Strong Value (Decent 2P)/Weak SP & Nut Blockers (Low Paired Board)
59% w/ Top Pair/Second Pair & Strongest Two Pair Checking Sets Draws & Weakest Two Pair (A/K/Qx)

BTN vs BB (Donk River)

BB Strategy - BB we are donking river for 30% with middle strength hands e.g. 87s/o bet 60% Strong Blockers second pairs and weak top pairs and overbet strongest value (Low Paired Boards)

BTN Strategy - vs BB donk we are raising strongest value and using lowest pairs as bluffs calling second pair and and 3rd pair

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