just started to play. Any advice??
Posted by ModernBird
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Low Stakes
just started to play. Any advice??
i just started to play poker
it has been about a month i knew nlhe and try to be a bit serious (as a hobby of course)
As i am korean i gathered lots of info in korean community and found out this great site and i joined the essential plan
Tho i got a bit of problem understanding the first preflop range video of learning path
i mean the steve paul's video talking about the preflop 4-Bet ranges stuff
i could barely understand and asked Steve if there's any good vid or articles to start with
and he answered me to find solution in the forum and they'll help
so i am here and trying to find good vid in RIO to start with
i hope i can find the solution soon
thanks and sorry for my bad eng it is quite tough to write stuff in foreign language lol
have a nice day
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If I were you, at some point I would watch Phil Galfond's NLHE videos as his are the best quality I've seen online and there aren't too many to get through. Otherwise I usually have good things to say about Paul Atwal's videos. Here's some of my own advice, mostly just common sense:
-Be patient and focus on making the right decision. Ignore how much you are winning or losing.
-Spend more time watching videos in the first month, then transition to playing more. Try to think about what your decision would be while watching these videos, before the pro chooses his action. It helps you remember, when your choices are inconsistent with theirs.
-Try to focus on one game you particularly enjoy or are good at and branch out to other games after you develop a good understanding of one.
I know the Video. There is a lot of stuff that someone new to poker will never understand in first place. Start with basic poker math and work your way through it. After that watch it again. Great Video and you will gain a lot of the content.
well can you give me any good starting vid or articles to start learning math and stuff?
it would be really great
dont know any basic math videos here on RIO. But search the internet for the basic poker math. There a lot of good content out there. Youtube is not bad for the basic stuff too. Thats what i did long time ago :)
helped a lot
I would definitely recomend Upswing Poker Lab as it will give you ONE entire sound, good and complete game plan. I remember that in the beginning of my poker career I would try to take lines that pros take.
This would result in me doing things from several ENTIRELY different game plans. So MY game plan was just bits and pieces from totally different styles of play - I was totally unbalanced in my playstyle and it was a horrible outcome for me. Upswing Lab really helped me with this.
I would also recommend reading:
-Matthew Janda's Applications of No-Limit Hold em
-Matthew Janda's No-Limit Hold 'em For Advanced Players
i'll search for upswing poker thanks
you can try searching youtube, there are many poker basic you can find. if you need practice ace poker drills's flop-trainer helps, i used this before and still use it to get in shape
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