JTs calling 3 barrels /w TPMK?

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JTs calling 3 barrels /w TPMK?

BB: $5
UTG: $38.50
HJ: $6.16
CO: $1.82
BN: $5 (Hero)
SB: $3.61
villain has 23/21/2.5 AF over 79 hands.. so not much reads but doesnt look like a big fish..
Preflop ($0.07) (6 Players)
Hero was dealt T J
UTG raises to $0.15, HJ folds, CO folds, Hero calls $0.15, SB calls $0.13, BB calls $0.10
I think calling the BTN with JTs here PF is fine because I got 2 players behind me which could call either.. multiway pot is good for our hand..
Flop ($0.60) J 4 5 (4 Players)
SB checks, BB checks, UTG bets $0.44, Hero calls $0.44, SB folds, BB folds
standart IMO.. UTG can cbet with a wide range here..

raising an option?
Turn ($1.48) J 4 5 3 (2 Players)
UTG bets $1.18, Hero calls $1.18
I think I can still call here 1 bet..? and reevaluate on the river..
River ($3.84) J 4 5 3 K (2 Players)
UTG bets $3.68, Hero folds
actually the K isnt the best card.. but it doesnt matter to much for me.. I cant see me calling here 3 barrels right? no matter what card comes.. except a J or T of course.. he could have hit his K here for sure.. if he barred the flop and turn with air.. but I think I cant call 3 barrels here in generel with TPMK?
Final Pot
UTG wins $3.68


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RaoulFlush 11 years, 4 months ago

Fold preflop usually...too often dominated vs his UTG-openrange and players behind you might still squeeze you. would prefer a flat in BB (also given relative position postflop)

as played imo even calling this flop is close, even though its ok with BDFD...But i dont expect a reg to cbet with a weaker hand than yours in a 4way pot often....

But IMO we definetly have to fold turn, cauz we´re almost alwys crushed....the only hting we could hope for is something like AhXh what still has a lot of equity vs us...

Chael Sonnen 11 years, 4 months ago

I think you're giving Villian too much credit. This is close to the best you can flop, so folding is crazy. If it were close, then it should be an easy pre-flop fold.

I spent half an hour typing an example and then messed up, so nevermind it.
TLDR, it's close, but not a terrible turn call.

Chael Sonnen 11 years, 4 months ago

Pre-flop call is fine, though folding certainly isn't bad either.

Little reason to raise the flop. You'll fold out almost every worse hand, and get better hands to continue.
And when you do call, your range is extremely capped.
There are also very few draws you can rep, so Villian is more inclined to 3-bet bluff the flop.

Turn call looks good. He can barrel any Ahigh, picked up FD, random hand.

Folding the river is standard, but be mindful that he reps a very narrow range. If he has a hand like Jx, TT etc., he probably checks (yes I know what you're going to respond with), so he'd repping top pair or better.

Eugine 11 years, 4 months ago

I like this hand for the forum, I think this kind of hand gives me a lot of trouble and tilts me, because hero flopped one of the better flops but is possibly being bluffed off the hand, so experiencing these kinds of spots all day long can be very tilting and fucks with my mind.

Chael Sonnen seems to know what he is talking about, I wasn't too sure about how to play this hand, but I like the way Chael Sonnen analysed it. Although I wonder how to analyse a hand with really a lot of detail.

BigFiszh 11 years, 4 months ago

I agree with Raoul!!

Preflop is kinda close, but it´s okay if blinds are call-happy (and light squeezes vs. UTG don´t happen that often).

Flop is okay, but turn seems like a fold. Tell me a range that cbets the flop into like 23 opponents AND keeps barreling the turn? Maybe AKdd, AQdd - but those are two combos (compared to 18 combos of QQ+), what else?

By the way - the stacksize of UTG is obscene! :D Have you witnessed that?!

megatr0n 11 years, 4 months ago

yeaah, agree with BigFiszh looks like villain is a rag and knows what he is doing

reading this again I think it's a pretty marginal call though personally I would avoid those marginal spots and concentrate myself on value betting hard with hands we dominate for value

MezZo 11 years, 4 months ago

sry I couldnt response over the weekend.. hmmmmm thank u for all ur answers.. I kinda agree with a lot of ur opinions.. overall I think I shouldnt make such marginal calls/plays on NL5.. cauz u really cant read them to well.. even the ones with kinda goods stats over 500 hands.. they also do some crazy stuff....

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