JTcc on AK47ccc vs UTG
Posted by Riqu93
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Low Stakes
JTcc on AK47ccc vs UTG
Blinds: $0.05/$0.10 (5 Players)
BN: $16.04 (Hero)
SB: $10.00
BB: $9.64
UTG: $16.16
CO: $7.31
SB: $10.00
BB: $9.64
UTG: $16.16
CO: $7.31
Hero is BN with
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We*re beat by A2,A3,A5,AQcc, so should it be an easy raise/gii? I was raising against AA/KK mainly, against the jam we cant fold, so is it usefull to raise the turn?
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preflop seems good, i think ur gunna want a flatting range including suited broadways like this as well as some pocket pairs, AQo, A9s-AJs,type hands. Blinds generally wont squeeze often given they have to get thru a UTG raiser, tho i would consider slowplaying some KK/AA at some frequency anyway since UTG does have a stronger range.
Flop call seems good, as you are IP, and dont want a raising range on AKx board when he can have way more AK/AA/KK and those totally dominate the equity of ur AQ/AJ type hands. Because of that, if you raise, you run into these hands that he has in his range more and thats obv bad but also, it makes ur flatting range weaker if u raise this flop, bc u will have more bluffcatchers in ur flatting range and therefore, he can start overbetting with his more nutted range.
On turn, I think its reasonable to raise sometimes here as he can easily be betting with AdQx/AdJx, which we dont want to allow to realize free equity, but flatting also seems reasonable. I think you will have hands like AJs/ATs/AQo that will want to call this turn but if you raise all your flushes, you will bet into very agressively and value bet thin on blank rivers.
Also, with your raise, im not sure what bluffs you are using. QdJx or JdTx seem like good choices but i doubt you call those preflop versus UTG. He also has more suited aces (he prob opens all suited aces, and you may 3b some A2s-A8s hands instead of flatting since they are a bit weak to flat), as well as he has more AA/KK/AK, so i think flatting your entire range actually works better. You are IP and can bet river if he slows down.
When he shoves, your probably beat honestly, but i dont think him shoving AdXd is very good. He may Spaz jam AdX or QdJx but im not sure
wp...I guess
I'd strongly consider r/f ott vs reasonable villains. I mean vs unknowns you kind of have to close your eyes and pay him off, but I strongly suggest to at least consider folding vs a jam
I don't see the reason for raising turn with our hand there. I'd prefer calling this, and raising the Adxd part of our range. It's also really good to have some strong hands in our range when we just call this turn on a texture where villain has a clear range advantage vs our bu flatting range.
As played I guess it looks fine but I wouldn't be too excited when my 150bb stack goes in with only 3rd nut.
Villain has 7 AdXd combos that beat you in his range, and probably also a bunch of Qdxd combos maybe Qd9d and Qd8d depending how wide he opens mp.
For me those are 9 good reasons against raising turn. We also rarely get called by worse hands and he's just not folding anything that beats us. He might call with his sets and try to fill up otr but those are only very few combos and he might not even bet those on this turn.
disagree about raising AdXd on turn, think we wanna raise non-nut flushes as to allow him him to have AdQx AdJx that are always going to bet/call
I am pretty sure that raising AdXd is going to net a higher EV than raising JdTd in this spot.
Yeah by calling we let him play catch up with AdX but we lose value against the worse hands in his range that are not folding (sets, lower flushes, possibly Ax or two pair etc)
Fwiw, you don't have to directly disagree with me to make your point. I would feel less cornered had you just stated your reasoning without having the disagreement.
Disagreeing is such a strong word. I see it more as you have a slightly different opinion on the subject. Now I feel like we're on opposite sides of the table even though we're not. :)
my bad ur right lol not good word choice
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