JJ vs KQ should i call the turn?
Posted by PEACE of MIND
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Low Stakes
JJ vs KQ should i call the turn?
Blinds: $0.01/$0.02 (6 Players)
BN: $2.06 (Hero)
SB: $4.90
BB: $2.18
UTG: $3.76
MP: $6.32
CO: $1.99
SB: $4.90
BB: $2.18
UTG: $3.76
MP: $6.32
CO: $1.99
Hero is BN with
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i though JJ was too good looking to fold at the turn,and opp bet small at the flop and turn.
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Calling Turn can't be too bad vs a 1/2 pot Turnbet, folding at 2NL is also good, people are not that Aggro.
However I'd 3bet pre.
i also think i should 3bet, sometimes just dont dare to
Def 3 bet preflop. Try just never calling in any position other then bb where your getting odds and closing the action. Its obv exploitable blah blah blah but it ll open your eyes when you see yourself owning the crap out of guys with your continuous and aggressive IP 3 betting strat.
Turn is probably a call in theory but in practice? Not sure. Can t really hate it but look in your database for similar spots and try to get a reasonable conclusion.
thx! very pro views .
Turn is fine. You block some of his draws like JT and KJ but you are getting a good price and at these stakes he probably bets bigger here with 2pr+ which reduces his Value combos heavily.
vs this sizing it's a fine call, vs a bigger sizing when he's repping TP+/SD you're blocking his drawhands so I might fold. But he's repping nothing, and he probably hit his A OTR else you wouldn't ask :D but he's valuebet himself for 2 streets and you didn't pay him off when he was ahead so gj
he's KQ
that's too bad.. but you really shouldn't mind paying off people 2 streets half pot with a PP vs TP when he had initiative all the way. Say he does this with all his strong 1pair hands (=AA, KK, AQ, KQ, QT, Q9s) that's 64combos. He bets half pot meaning you need 25% equity to call. you need to beat +-16combos in his range in order to be profitable so it's easy to call imo.
About my A guess: I expected him to have some Ax type of hand that he just bets twice small because "it's probably the best hand" or he heard someone say "it's hard to make a pair" and does this as a blocker bet with his PP.
if he uses this sizing with his nutted hands, his range gets a little wider but I wouldn't bet on it that the population does this so I wouldn't put him on AA/KK/AQ/KQ/sets
What exactly do you mean by the fact we have to beat 16 combos out of 64?
We don't beat any combo from all those 64 (?) maybe I'm stupid sorry :D
I normally do this work off-table with flopzilla, but what I meant is this:
if he has 64 valuebluffcombos we lose to, and 25%potodds I want to know how many bluffcombos I need to beat in order to call.
you can do it in multiple ways, my example would be 5% off as 64valuecombos+16bluffcombos= 16/80=20% and we needed 25%.
Personally I would just use more easy numbers at the tables, like 60 instead of 64, then you know that 20/80=25% so you'll need 20combos to make the call, again, the numbers aren't exactly correct so you'll be making a mistake if you can only come up with exactly 20combos. But that's why it's a guessing game right :) More importantly you want to do off-table work with flopzilla or equilab to get better and faster at this, as you'll be more correct in your assumptions and calculations
@Nyyre 64*0.25=16
Yeah but we don't beat any of the 64 combos ?
no : )
Merging this into our three-bet range is fine as well as calling, probably useing a mixed strategy with it and let player profile, game dynamics, and players behind me control my frequencies.
Looks well played.
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