JJ on BTN in a 3bet pot
Posted by PokerVagabond
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Low Stakes
JJ on BTN in a 3bet pot
Blinds: $0.05/$0.10 (6 Players)
UTG: $9.40
MP: $10.69
CO: $10.00
BN: $10.00 (Hero)
SB: $9.90
BB: $5.15
MP: $10.69
CO: $10.00
BN: $10.00 (Hero)
SB: $9.90
BB: $5.15
Hero is BN with
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JJ 6 handed and on the BTN. Readless on all villians at this point so could have opted to call in position but didn't want to hit the flop in a 4 way pot. Thought raising was the best option on the grand scheme of things
After both calling I put them on a range of 88+, AJ+ but could also end up with some random suited connectors.
After both calling I put them on a range of 88+, AJ+ but could also end up with some random suited connectors.
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Safe board but wanting to build a pot and not give any free cards away as there is obviously a few turn cards that I don't like the look of. Once villian calls I have narrowed his range considerably to 88+ but more edging towards TT+
Another safe card but with a pretty narrow villian range now I opted to keep the pot smaller
Could have flopped a set or is going for full value from QQ+. Only thing I'm beating is a stone bluff or 88-TT in my eyes.
Final Pot
CO wins $7.11
Rake is $0.34
Rake is $0.34
Another situation where maybe 3betting JJ again is a bad decision but I also don't like the idea of flatting. Would like to hear peoples opinions especially considering the villains are readless
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3b sq pre is fine
flop is good, small sizing is ok and bet is good
turn is probably a bet, he shouldnt have to many 4x, could have 98s, but I'd probably rather bet than x.
river depends if you think he floats with some stuff, AQ/AK/AJ/XXbdfd, etc. the 7 actually eliminates a couple combos of sets so really isn't that much of a scare card as I'd doubt he has many 7x by themselves.
I would bet smaller on the flop, like 1-1,20. The main reason for betting with this hand is protection, smaller betsizing works for that just fine.
As played wp I guess. CO is not shoving worse for value and I don't see many bluffs, it's also a potsized shove which means that our odds aren't great.
I'd bet/fold turn and check behind most rivers.
As played I'd consider calling here (I dont think he has many pairs in his range.
AA he likely just ships preflop, KK even more likely. He might have QQ, but if he plays QQ like that, he might also shove TT).
I feel like his potsize shove river polarizes his range to either fh's (33,55,66,77 = 10 combos) or air (AQ,KQ, etc.) which are a lot of combos.
Agree that his range is super polarised and on the (small) number of value combos he can have... but I'm not sure about how many combos of air he really has.
I guess it's automatically close because we only need 5 combos to break even... BUT how often does he really XC the flop with hands like AK,AQ,KQ?
It's interesting because he definitely has a ton of combos in his flop range and he only needs to XC >5 but... does he ever really XC them on the flop?
Hmm, even if he check/calls KQ/AQ/AJs only 50% of the time on the flop and then bluff shoves on the river only 50% of the time he has > 5 combos in his range. Furthermore OTF when villain check/calls he is heads-up and not MW anymore. This further increases the probability of him c/c overcards there, imo.
I think u played well . I like flop sizing and I also prefer checking the turn. I really dont expect him to call with worse there except eights. There are no FD on the flop and 89s got there so I dont expect bluffs from your oponent.
I think your play is fine/good. You're gonna have a lot of give ups on this turn, so I like your XB, planning to call most R.
IMO wp.
PF is ok, F is ok.
Turn, someone before said that betting is better. I dont think so. I dont see worse hands calling you there. OP usually folds, str8 draws like 98s (if he has it) also folds (or maybe x/r). So XB OTT is imo best option.
OTR folding is ok until you know he's able to change his mid sd value to a bluff. He's not floating flop with 2oc +bd in 3way sqz pot. Villain is almost always capped to PP.
Thanks for everyone responses! Definitely think he has a pretty polarized range given the information we have but have found myself calling in these spots before and way behind....obviously not always the case but history certainly plays a part in my thinking.
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