JJ on BB vs 2
Posted by puchium
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Low Stakes
JJ on BB vs 2
Blinds: $0.05/$0.10 (6 Players)
BN: $10.46
SB: $10.57
BB: $13.68 (Hero)
UTG: $9.62
MP: $27.25
CO: $9.39
SB: $10.57
BB: $13.68 (Hero)
UTG: $9.62
MP: $27.25
CO: $9.39
No reads, 18 hands and 7 hands.
Hero is BB with
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Why check? I thought that if CO or BTN had any high cards or flush draw they might as well continue so I rather have a cheap turn since I didn't thought they would fold that much to a donk bet and I didn't want to play a bigger pot OOP vs 2 players. For the raise I thought that if CO has AK then he has 10 outs which he could call with + BTN could've had a PP which I could be getting value from + some flush draws. I believe that when I check raise there and CO shoves I have to fold but if CO folds and BTN shoves I could still be good vs Ax FD and smaller pairs.
How would you play this hand?
feedback appreciated =)
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I'd 3bet it preflop.
As played, I think the x/r is fine. You can get value from an A, FD, PPs and you would probably x/r with some draws to balanced. Once vilain 3bet shove, you can safely fold imo.
I would 3bet preflop.
Postflop seems fine.
3b pre , call flop as played, your hand isn't good enough to raise here.
not good enough to raise vs a cbet + a call (from co and btn)? Hero's is underplaying his hand and vilains' range are def weaker than JJ, so there is value to a raise imo.
What do you expect both vilain to have here ?
You srsly overestimate the value of an overpair when we got 3 big blinds in the pot. A leak worth checking up. CO raise is super strong on this board, both of them got all sets most likely, CO got 65s , A5s, every combo of flushdraw+gutter. Like people just don't bomb 3way on this board. Like JJ is a dog even vs CO cbetting range, and then we got BTN to worry about who's going to have some sets and big draws. CO is never going to pay off with worse.. Raising here is just bloating the pot oop and burning money. You got to be extremely naive if you think JJ will gii good on this board for 97 big blinds
If we ignore preflop and just think about the flop, we had a profitable call given extremely great potodds and we keep weaker hands in villains range and we're closing the action. But instead hero just blew it and spewed his whole stack away with a -ev play instead of taking the low variance line, call and make a profit.
Did I say Im gII ? I dont think so.. read my first post and stop assuming thing I didnt say..
I said we can get value with a raise. Once CO 3bets, I would agree with you that his range is real good, but I think that we can raise and get called from worse hands, that's all... I never said that we are good once he 3bets..
I just disagree that we are dog vs his cbetting range as people at 10nl have some relative value probleme and they are cbetting with a very wide range. I dont think the CO is cbetting only sets and str8. You really thnk that ? You think he wont cbet with 55-TT ??? That would be a mistake to assume that. There is no way he is only cbetting sets and str8, even 3way. Thats We are talking about 10NL.... The guy that cbet 88 or something like that will call a raise for sure with his overpair so there is value in raising JJ to me. Once he 3bet, thats another story.
Raise/folding flop is -2000bb/100 .. Are you planning to make all that money everytime one of them call your raise?
We're still a dog even if he cbets all of those hands and he got position. Below is only vs CO, BTN strong probably contains every single set combo, a bunch of flushdraws and most pocketpairs in general up to like 99. If you're raising this you're just bloating the pot. You're just isolating yourself oop vs a range that crush your hand, please show me what range CO cbets and what BTN calls since we're not a dog here according to you. Below is only his cbetting range.. Where's the value from raising?
Board: 2c3c4d
Equity Won Draw
CO 51.76% 50.25% 1.50% { 22+, A5s, 65s, 54s, AcKc, AcQc, KcQc, AcJc, KcJc, QcJc, AcTc, KcTc, QcTc, JcTc, Ac9c, Kc9c, Qc9c, Jc9c, Tc9c, Ac8c, Kc8c, Tc8c, 9c8c, Ac7c, Kc7c, 9c7c, 8c7c, Ac6c, Kc6c, 8c6c, 7c6c, Kc5c, 7c5c, Ac4c, 6c4c, Ac3c, Ac2c, AcKd, AcKh, AcKs, AcQd, AcQh, AcQs, AcJd, AcJh, AcJs, AcTd, AcTh, AcTs }
SB 48.24% 46.74% 1.50% { JdJs }
And btw, just because you can raise and get called by worse doesn't mean you should do it and that it's the best play.
depends on what % of his total cbetting range is cbet/3bet range is.. because we arent raise/folding all that often... 55-TT are already 36 combos that cbet and probably call the riase. At 10nl, I guess there is other hands in his cbetting that he will either call our raise with or simply fold to the raise. The sets and A5s are what, 13 combos, so that's not that big of a part of his total cbetting range.
As for the co cbetting range, I would add some hands (Ax with no bd draws, overcards) to the one you gave. Again, I think vilain is likely to cbet wider than your range because its 10NL and people doesnt have a good cbet frequency. Imo, you cant just put the hands you would cbet yourself because you're a better poker player than the majority of 10nl players...They are doing a lot of bad things and cbet or cbet/calling with bad hands is one of them..
if we raise CO and he only calls, do you think we are ahead on a turn blank ?
thank you!
I would also probably 3b PF.
As played check/raising that board multiway with JJs is quite a big mistake. And if you have the habit of x/raising mid overpairs on low boards like that - that would be a leak.
Sweet16 explained the reason behind it pretty well: as played just call.
or you can make an argument about leading the flop, although you probably won't be able to go for 3str and you might end up being too often raised by semi-bluffs. (this is villain dependent)... but you are charging draws.
Squeeze pre.
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