JJ in 3way pot

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JJ in 3way pot

None: Jon Doe: $0
Final Pot
Jon Doe wins $13178.50

Played at anon tables .As far i remember CO was a fish and btn a reg .I think bet flop and turn it's standard (maybe the sizes should be higher ? ) .I don't know what hands can call me on the river because i look so strong betting 3 streets into 3 way pot .Can i assume the btn have a weak range ?He is closing the action and i expect him to raise his monsters on the flop or turn .


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AKrav 12 years, 3 months ago
If the CO is a fish, he's betting all his Tx hands here, any 9x hand, any two pair (most fish don't realize that their 2 pair is not valid anymore. I'd call here for sure, especially if villain is a fish.
Parker Muir 12 years, 3 months ago
Agreed. If I get to this spot, I'm certainly at least calling. I would also be very tempted to value-jam depending on how big of a fish he was.
HotChip 12 years, 3 months ago
i dont think the bu would raise the monsters on the flop, i mean it's not a standard. the value range for raising the flop is 99 and A3s, because with some of the fd hands (AQs, AJs, KQs) would have probably squeezed, and with sc would only call for sure. Besides that, with 99 has reason to slowplay, to let both of you put money in the pot on flop and turn, and maybe stack you off when fd hits.

Also, i dont think is any value in betting the river, because the only hand that bu could have that you beat is ATd, or maybe 9Ts (1combo).

It's hard to imagine that co bluffs in this spot, because there are two people to act after him and the sizing is so weak, but with a fish you never know. without any aditional reads, the standard should be c/f, but you cant mistake too much when you have such a good price.

HotChip 12 years, 3 months ago
i thought afterwards that you could vbet very weak against the fish (20-30) and fold vs any raise. he probably would call with 9x, tx, or maybe even 88
bossman 12 years, 3 months ago
without reads on fish that he is bluff stabbing a lot, i would prefer value betting that river, still there are hands u can get thin value from, bet folding 25-35$ should be fine here

as played u have to C/C he should show up here with some worse and have some bluffs

MasaKrisT 12 years, 3 months ago
I would call river because fish can have a lot of junk here. If reg was betting so small it would be very suspicious to me , it would look like bet to induce or thin vbet.
Parker Muir 12 years, 3 months ago
I would just be betting this river for value. I'd expect to get called by a lot of worse hands from the fish in CO.

I do actually think that button still has all of his nutted hands in his range, but the reason they don't concern me that much is that there are so few combos. Much more likely he has some kind of missed FD or optimistic 9x and is now going to fold river (but also wouldn't bluff into two people when checked to).

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