JJ in 3b pot

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JJ in 3b pot


Barely any reads on villain. Should I be 4betting and getting this in vs unknown? Im not confident getting it in.

I think the flop is a standard check/call.

On the turn I like leading because Im expecting him to check behind with all hands that I beat and the board is fairly scary. I also want to get some value. I would fold to a raise. It also acts as a blocker bet.

The river is a horrible card for me and I think its a standard check fold...


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ItsToothPasteISwear 11 years, 3 months ago

I just get it in PF CO vs BTN.

I also kinda wanna just c/r the flop, we can stack worse, and if he has better its not like we are gunna find a fold unless it runs out scary, and if we check/call I think he gets 2 cards with all his overcard hands cuz he often is checking back blank turns, so we let him try and realize his 24% equity. But maybe its better to take the line you did and just donk brick turns, which I think is good, altho I get scared about folding to a raise because he could potentially raise with worse, but I think im just overly paranoid and its prolly good.

m3taphysics 11 years, 3 months ago

I  just dont think guys in zoom are stacking off this lightly. I have yet to find evidence that vs my 4bet he is jamming worse than JJ....

Butcher1848 11 years, 3 months ago

Calling the 3-bet oop is fine. But i would c/r the Flop for value/Protection. Your Hand is so vulnerable and your equity will Drop dramatically on the Turn/River. I think that c/r the Flop has the highest ev. 

Butcher1848 11 years, 3 months ago

Yeah i meant c/r and gettig in it in. I dont expect to be ahead very often but i think the ev of c/r and getting it in is higher then c/c and c/f.

Joe Tonkin 11 years, 3 months ago

I think you could 4 bet preflop but hes probably shoving. I think the line C/R with the intention to fold to an all in on the flop is the way to play this hand. Because I dont think AK is gambling in this spot so the only hands shoving will be overpairs. He might hold 88-1010 and reraised pf thinking you was just trying to steal and protect his hand so its down to u to decide.

The way he played river suggests to me he had AK or at the very least AX.

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