Is this a spot to double barrel ?
Posted by DiamondClub
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Low Stakes
Is this a spot to double barrel ?
Blinds: $0.10/$0.25 (6 Players)
BB: $22.04
UTG: $33.03 (Hero)
MP: $36.20
CO: $25.09
BN: $23.98
SB: $25.45
UTG: $33.03 (Hero)
MP: $36.20
CO: $25.09
BN: $23.98
SB: $25.45
Villains is 24/18 over 18 hands, so no reads.
Hero is UTG with
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My plan on this board texture was to fire two barrels. That's because I think he won't fold too many hands OTF but a significant number of hands on the turn.
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I am not sure this is a good card to barrel, because it doesn't overcard most of the PPs in his range. Some Ax that called the flop may fold now.
This is a pretty clear fold.
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No just x behind, barrel some additional equity.He`s not gonna have many floats on this dry board and you have some sdv vs worse Ax.
If you try to vision what villain flats pre, how your range look when you cbet this board and what he's calling flop with. With not so clean outs, low eq and some sdv vs a fairly strong range I don't like betting turn at all. Just try to showdown and hope he got a worse Ax.
I don't like betting this turn. If he calls flop he's likely to call again and you have some SDV.
I think your analysis of the Turn summed it up. However, I think you're a little optimistic that a naked Ax would c/c that Flop.
It depends on how wide you can bet 3 streets for value. If your opponent here has AK, then you can't be barreling KQ for 3 streets. So you should bluff less.
I'd guess at nl25 the average reg is a little passive and won't usually 3b AK preflop here?
Assuming that's the case, then you should be a little careful about barreling too many bluffs on the turn (and betting too wide for value).
Having said that, AJs of hearts is a decent choice anyway, it should fold out AQ, the hearts don't block any bdfd's villain could float the flop with that are part of his turn x/f range, blocks AK,KJs and a good pp, JJ, that will often call another street and folds out some worse pp's.
But that's all secondary to getting the right ratio of bluffs to valuebets. Maybe check out some videos/content on this kind of stuff.
This seems overly fancy for this level of play, your play only really works if he folds a reasonable amount on both the flop and turn. A simpler line is to just check down and win at showdown some %, maybe bluffing on certain runouts that make your hand worse.
I was going to say something and then it turned out Sauce said it better already. This makes me happy. I would check this hand down hoping to hit an A or J or starting to bet on a Q or T after being checked to.
Thank you for all the replies! I figured AJhh doesn't have enough sdv to just check down and win often enough.
filthynines: i probably am too optimistic here, but you see ppl do all kinds of weird stuff. since I am not that experienced yet I misjudge many situations ! Thanks for the comment on my assumptions, helps a lot !
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