Is there a way to look at EVERYONE in my hold em manager's database's hand range?

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Is there a way to look at EVERYONE in my hold em manager's database's hand range?

I'm currently looking at what I'm facing when I preflop fourbet or fivebet.

Over 19 hands with between 90-130BB stacks NOT holding aces or ace-king I've faced AA 13 times, INCLUDING 2 times I was sure there was metagame that put other hands in range. I've also folded JJ-QQ 3 times, and after a 4bet or 5bet won uncontested with KK three times.

With AK I've been in 5 bet pots 11 times, run into AA twice and KK twice. I've folded AK 3 times (all 3 multiway), and AA, AK, or KK was involved in each of those hands as well.

With AA I've won 16 and been in 7 that didn't get all-in. The all-ins were QQ x3, KK x2, TTx1, 88x1, AKx7.

I think I can probably start to suspect very tight shoving ranges in my game, but I want to confirm it.

I'd like to confirm this with my WHOLE sample. Does anyone know if I can easily do this?


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zinom1 4 years, 7 months ago

You can create an alias of population.Then select that alias and you can see the stats and filter for pre flop all ins etc

Lewis Harkes 4 years, 7 months ago

I'm not sure how to answer your actual question. Sorry!

two things popped into mind that might help though:
1) Maybe try instead to create archetypes of certain player types instead of a general pool. I say that as you've previously mentioned many of your opponents are in the 40/1 type range. So given that their 3bets are so tight, I'd expect that their FT3b and FT4b ranges are super low and 4b/5b are really tight. Maybe an alternate way to look at this is to compare specific strategies stemming from tight 3b ranges. (For example, even if 3b = 5%, a balanced strategy is tough to create but would likely be very top heavy on the 5b shoves, and maybe AK as bluffs). In general, I'd probably want to play very cautiously (aiming to flop monsters in position and fold more hands oop) vs. these 3bets until they start adjusting.

2) I saw something that Doug Polk said about his play before he got good. He pointed out that he was only ever getting in bad, even with KK. He said this is because he played such a tight 3b/4b range that nobody was playing back unless they beat it. Now that's extreme, but maybe your range is similarly tight which suggests the good players in your pool are properly adjusting?

MattS 4 years, 7 months ago

(1) It seems like even the thinking regs have tight ranges that's much of what I wanted to confirm. It's about 50/50 of the guys I've looked at opponent by opponent, which is a lot. The splashy recreational players with 3bet percentages of like 2-4% are way tighter of course

(2) I'm 3betting a lot more lately, have some bluffs in my 4bet range, and still running into it, which is why i'm so puzzled

RaoulFlush 4 years, 7 months ago

Which version of hem are you using? Its quite simple to explain for HEM3

RaoulFlush 4 years, 7 months ago

seems like ive been too fast here...Its not that easy as i thought. However. If you click on your alias at the main window you can add a new one. The problem seems to be that you would have to add every single player to this alias (that sucks and was no deal with pt4 :/)
In this thread a user seem to add a 3rdparty-tool to automize this proces...

But tbh it looks like a lot of work

HawksWin 4 years, 7 months ago

CrappyTimeSlot Hope this helps. This is over 1.6 million hands 5NL to 50NL. Green is the aggregate 4b range (not position specific) and the blue section is the call 3b section. As you can see, they 4b the top 12% of their range and defend 57% by calling. So, overall, they fold to 3b @ 31% of the time. Obviously this is higher in BTN vs SB 3b and BTN vs BB 3b spots where they fold substantially higher.

If you look to the far right, the overall 4b range in aggregate is 2.8%. If we look at it from a "linear" lens, that's like QQ+, AKs, AKo and a AQs. Obviously, things are not quite this easy. They are going to trap AA by calling the 3b and there is going to be some JJ in there and maybe a few bluffs.

This should help save you a bunch of time and effort in HM3 or PT4.

Below is the Gyazo link if the above Jpeg doesn't work

HawksWin 4 years, 7 months ago

It's from Ignition so it is difficult to differentiate between the regs and the fish due to the anonymous nature. The nice thing is the clairvoyance on the site (downloads after 24 hours show all hold cards). So, in the replayer, all the cards are showing, regardless of who is in the hand. I have sat and clicked through countless hands where I face a 4b and it is sooooooooo AA-QQ, AK/AQ heavy.

HaAbDe 4 years, 7 months ago

HawksWin , just to make sure, the 4bet - fold which is 11% is for how often they fold vs a 5bet when they 4bet? Also the fold to 4bet, call 4bet and 5bet numbers are player's pool reaction vs a 4bet when they 3bet? Lastly, limp is how often they open limp and also limp behind, right?

Btw, regarding this analysis, I want to buy hand histories from hhsmithy or hhdealer in order to do player pool tendencies analysis for NL5. I know it's not necessary in order to win for these stakes. I mostly want to do this out of curiosity. I know that I need to buy Hand2Note for that. I am just asking if I should buy hand histories from any of those 2 sites or should I look somewhere else?

Brett Banks 4 years, 7 months ago

I went through my faced a 4b hands at 25nl Bovada zone recently and it really is that tight.

In something like 129 hands there were less than 10 where a full stacked player 4b with something worse than AK. And of those several were AQ or JJ type stuff where it may not have been a bluff where there would have folded to a shove.

Non full stacked players 4b pretty tight but there were definitely closer to 50% bluff/spew vs top tier stuff.

HawksWin 4 years, 7 months ago

HaAbDe As for you first paragraph, I agree with your analysis of those stats. I expect Bovada/Ignition to have some "strange" stats vs some of the other more reg infested sites.

As for the hand history purchases, I am not familiar with them or those sites. I remember back in the day I bought a couple million Pokerstars hands (when USA could play there) but I am not sure I utilized them much (we basically used VPIP, PRF, 3b and cbet stats and not much more back then). As for my 5 to 50NL hands, I did not make a purchase. I don't want to give much advice on purchasing since I don't have much experience. How much are they asking for hand histories nowadays?

Hand2Note is great for doing population analysis. Its iffy and hard to do in PT4 or HM3 as effectively. Since Ignition/Bovada is anonymous, players who use that site need to have pool benchmarks and work from there.

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