Is the plan still working? 50NL Zoom 6Max
Posted by CombatCarl
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Low Stakes
Is the plan still working? 50NL Zoom 6Max
BN: $55.92
SB: $42.50
BB: $71.28 (Hero)
UTG: $90.47
HJ: $36.51
CO: $56.11
SB: $42.50
BB: $71.28 (Hero)
UTG: $90.47
HJ: $36.51
CO: $56.11
(6 Players)
Hero was dealt
UTG raises to $1.50, HJ folds, CO folds, BN folds, SB folds, Hero calls $1
UTG raises to $1.50, HJ folds, CO folds, BN folds, SB folds, Hero calls $1
(2 Players)
Hero checks,
UTG bets $1.75,
Hero calls $1.75
(2 Players)
Hero checks,
UTG bets $5,
Hero calls $5
(2 Players)
Hero checks,
UTG bets $12.75
I had a pretty low 3bet at 4% over the session of 500 hands.
He is 19/17/af3.7/3bet9.8 PFR UTG 19 Cbet F 50 T 33 R 100(1) 177 hands
That river Cbet 100% is from this hand, I think.
We could CR flop or turn or we could lead flop or/and turn but I decided to go for check/call mainly because he supposedly is actually kind of wide from UTG.
Let's say we did go with a passive line here, what do you think about the river action?
Comments regarding taking a different line preflop or postflop is welcomed also.
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Dont mind the x/c x/c line rvr is verry meh since he seems tight preflop hes got all the sets,AA and AQ, 2pair cant think of many bluffs. So river seems like a easy fold to me.
i would rather x/r with ahigh a flushdraw with 1 highcard only.
river is a fold. and i think his riversizing is a tell that hes on a stronger range.
We wanna hit the Clubs or Queen on river. I guess I feel a little better or just better about hitting an Ace than a King when he fires river in this manner?
relatively, there shouldn't be a difference between hitting an Ace or a King on the river. If he bets, he would have hands like AJ,AT, TT, JJ , maybe AK. His value range gets smaller because there is just one combo of aces and kings would checkback. But as 1followu mentioned, this riversizing is a tell.
I just cant help feel that you played too passively at some point with all your equity.
I think preflop is perfectly fine, but dont you have a flop xr range here? do you xr sets, 45 here? if you do, you need to add some bluffs (although you could leave this to a min to leave it a bit value heavy vs most opps) and some semi-bluffs to that and this hand is a great candidate for that. you get to barl a ton of stuff (including that T) and it puts you in the drivers seat. If you 'have' to get it in on the flop you still have prob 35-45% equity so its not the end of the world by any means. Although it would be a dirty riv in this case, you probably have a xf either way.....
"I just cant help feel that you played too passively at some point with all your equity."
If this statement is true then we should call on river no? I actually agree with what you said.
yes as played you have to call... you played defensively and have to bluff catch now... as played villian puts you on a weaker range than you actually are IMO
Thank you all for the comments.
when we play defensively we are under repping our range hardcore and we really have to look to bluff catch when we take these defensive lines, especially when we have very good show down value such as hero in this spot. we are repping such weakness by the time we get to river villian should bluff us, so we have to make bluff catching calls. it honestly gives us more value in some spots. he will put money in spots where if we had played agressively he would we are strengthening our checking range well played hero nh
Yeah, he can also value bet QQ/KQ/etc, I think it's very easy for him to convince himself to bet those range for value given how we under represented our hand pre and post.
completely agree
I actually prefer c/c to c/r since he has a low cbet % and thus his cbets are more polarized to air and TP+ so all c/r does is fold out his bluffs which we want him to keep barreling with especially when good barreling cards peel off on turn and river like A or K. On the river I think we have to c/c since he can easily be valuebetting a worse K and his bluffs will fire on this river for sure.
I think vs someone opening 19% utg 3betting AKs will work out better than flatting it.
I agree with doncamatic, I think that 3betting AK here OOP is significantly better than flatting. Do you flat AK here as standard? Do you 3b AKo?
I mostly flat AK on SB/BB vs UTG by default unless I see fish or something. Calling down on boards that hits UTG's range works really well for me.
Does this mean youre only stacking off QQ+ from the blinds vs UTG/MP? I would prefer flatting in position as opposed to OOP because we are able to play a lot better in position. UTG range is usually tight enough that we will have a pretty clear idea of how to proceed post flop, but its going to be easier to get creative IP.
That being said, I like a x/r otf as played. We have really good equity vs most of his range, and he is probably going to fold a decent amount of hands that beat us. Weak Jx (QJs, JTs are reasonable hands to be in his raising range), underpairs. Also this will balance our range as we will most likely be x/r sets on this board.
Not always +QQ, if I decided to 3bet AK on SB/BB vs UTG/HJ then depending on the situation anything can happen. Let's say I just lost five +EV flips to AK/AQ then that could put me on a monkey tilt AK shoving train.
Against someone open raising 19% UTG I think we should 3bet bluff a decent amount so I prefer 3betting AK here while also having a widish 3bet bluffing range instead of flatting, but I don't think flatting is horrible as long as you play well postflop.
i think pre, flop and turn are all fine imo. i don't think we need to be 3-betting much from BB, but i probably would from the SB. Postflop: we have some SD value so i think just calling is fine.
river is pretty close. i doubt it matters too much, but i'm not very good with the folding, so....
i think this hand is very well played. totally agree with the line that once we have under-repped our range on 3 streets we need to bluff catch a tonne. if we don't have a fair bluff catching range on the river then we are basically calling out of position with a draw (although a nice strong one).
How about turn . rasie and 1/3 pot bet on river or more ( blocking bet)
Anyway. I think freflop is quite well played. River sizing is a strong tell a put villiant on TT, JJ+ .including all sets. Two pairs seems quite uunlikely as his range is a beast most of the time.
i don`t know what ranges do you prefer, but in such large staks we can make ch/r turn, and even if he 3bets, we can still have equity to call it because of our effective stacks
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