is it really better to play tight vs loose passive? (preflop)

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is it really better to play tight vs loose passive? (preflop)

ABC poker taught us to play tight preflop vs a pool of loose passive players so you enter the pot with a stronger range postflop. But I feel like the never getting blown off your equity with the lowest part of your range with 3bets is the much more comforting and valuable. This allows us to play wider preflop for a smaller opening size and getting into more spots postflop, but with a wider range.

The counter argument is that opening tight for a bigger sizing makes their calls much more -ev, so its more punishing for them preflop. Also betting smaller increases the frequency of multiway pots.

Without getting into super exploitative stuff like potting with AA and min raising with 22, is it still the best play to open 3x with a standard tight range, or keep going wider to exploit the lack of 3betting?

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