Is it ok to just go with the 'F*** it I call' line when calling a river overbet?
Posted by Joe Tonkin
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Joe Tonkin
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Low Stakes
Is it ok to just go with the 'F*** it I call' line when calling a river overbet?
CO: jokiikoj: $23.25
BN: lucky-loos84: $25
SB: tigertonkin: $24.56
BB: Jacub1987: $27.83
UTG: rodders27: $26.58
HJ: guvshergill: $25
BN: lucky-loos84: $25
SB: tigertonkin: $24.56
BB: Jacub1987: $27.83
UTG: rodders27: $26.58
HJ: guvshergill: $25
(6 Players)
tigertonkin was dealt
rodders27 folds, guvshergill folds, jokiikoj raises to $0.75, lucky-loos84 folds, tigertonkin raises to $1.50, Jacub1987 folds, jokiikoj calls $0.75
rodders27 folds, guvshergill folds, jokiikoj raises to $0.75, lucky-loos84 folds, tigertonkin raises to $1.50, Jacub1987 folds, jokiikoj calls $0.75
jokiikoj was playing lots of hands so I felt his range was wide. When he just calls my re-raise I feel hands like JJ+ and AK are no longer in his hand. (of course its possible but it just doesnt feel like he would only call with those hands)
(2 Players)
tigertonkin checks,
jokiikoj bets $2.25,
tigertonkin calls $2.25
on the flop I decided to check call with middle pair. I am worried about hands such as 88 & KQ also KJ, K10 are smack in the middle of his range.and J10 would probably also bet into this flop along with the club draw.
(2 Players)
tigertonkin checks,
jokiikoj checks
Again I plan to check call. My gut instict here is that K J, K10, and other weak Kings would check this back which he did and I also felt a weak flush would still bet for protection and to disguise his hand.
(2 Players)
tigertonkin checks,
jokiikoj bets $10,
tigertonkin calls $10
Originally I feel the river is a complete blank but when he bets $10, i feel like I have been punched in the stomach and he might have caught a semi bluff catcher by holding something crazy like k7, Q7. I also felt that his hand was polarised and hands like J10, J9 etc missed their draw.
In the end I felt it was 50/50 as KJ, K10 would never overbet the river and literally just thought 'F**k it' I call.
Although I won the hand which I am grateful for, I am not happy with the end of my thought process! As it turned out I never thought he would be holding A 10.
I feel this a tough spot and my question is how would you analysis the rivercard and overbet by Jokiikoj?
In the end I felt it was 50/50 as KJ, K10 would never overbet the river and literally just thought 'F**k it' I call.
Although I won the hand which I am grateful for, I am not happy with the end of my thought process! As it turned out I never thought he would be holding A 10.
I feel this a tough spot and my question is how would you analysis the rivercard and overbet by Jokiikoj?
Final Pot
jokiikoj has
tigertonkin has
wins $26.50
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There is a lot to learn form this hand, from a strategic and mental game point of view.
Strategy specific:
I like the check/call on the flop, although i do see many players simply betting this hand and i don't know how much we should take into account we have the backdoor nut flush draw. The check/call line seems logical as all hands that are draws would call a bet anyway would probably be betting if we check to him - to fold out JJ or worse and maybe some weaker mid pairs by the river. He does have plenty of worse hands that may struggle to improve, mostly low pairs or a hand like he had where he has the bare gut shot draw AJ/AT/T9
i'm a little surprised you feel he would check back Kx on the turn flushing card. As the 3bettor you would often cbet your flush draws. so he might feel obliged to protect his Kx versus your JJ/TT with a club or AQ with a club etc
i would remove low flushes and high pair or better from his range at this point. of course all of those hands could still be in his range, just from my 'standard' way of playing on turn flushing cards when the 3bettor has checked out of position. as villin, i would still give the 3bettor (hero) some nut flush draws like AcJc or AcTc just that they very unlikely - 2 combos.
you did analyze the spot correctly during the hand. you felt he was polarised and you had a strong bluff catcher. so you made a great call, now..
From a mental game point of view:
do any overbets cause you to feel like this?
also, i know i have made the mistake before by simply not having certain hands in villain's range. i would be playing a hand and have removed parts of their range (often incorrectly). we see he did call a 3bet with ATo which personally i don't do - i feel i play poorly with this hand postflop versus a thinking player in 3bet pots.
'fuck it' i call - versus aggressive players you are required to make more calls than you used to. this is as you move up to higher stakes you encounter more aggression from good and players alike. This means that you need to begin finding reasons to clal rather than finding reasons to fold on lower stakes.
Originally I feel the river is a complete blank but when he bets $10, i feel like I have been punched in the stomach
Poker is suppose to be fun man! If this is really the feeling you get when facing bets you might want to focus removing the money element of the game. If you feel like you just got hit in the face with a $10 frozen foot long sub, you're probably doing something wrong BRM-wise or mental game wise.
+1 to Hustla
dont really feel like hed check back Kx on the turn, youve kinda turned your hand over as Qx at best, hes really got no reason to fear you have better than him, and hes likely going to bet for protection as you can have some clubs.
My general thought in these spots is that if he wanted to bluff he would have done it on the turn when it was a good card to do so. But his bet really makes no sense from a value perspective unless he thinks its going to induce you to call. Really its just a leveling game here. We are at the top of our range, his bet is polarized, so I think calling is fine.
Id make a note of his hand and the situation for future spots.
Stay disciplined , go with ur instincts if ur reasoning makes sense tilt can start bleeding lots of $$
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