Is it a good idea to have predefined 3bet and 4bet ranges for each position?

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Is it a good idea to have predefined 3bet and 4bet ranges for each position?

I've read about people having static preflop 3-betting and 4-betting ranges for each position. I myself do not use such ranges, which might be a problem as I find myself being uncertain whether certain hands should be 3-bet, calls or folds during sessions. It is the same if I am faced with a 3b. I find that I am often "guessing" about calling, 4betting or folding. I frequently make these decisions based on how I'm feeling during a session instead of making them because I'm sure it's the correct play. This can lead to unnecessary mistakes and timeouts. If you are using defined ranges, how do you decide what hands to include in that range? Do you have a target for the number of combos you are 3-betting or calling? Also, do you use the same ranges against different opponents or do you make adjustments? My goal is to make a document which will include my ranges for each position (BTNvUTG, BBvSB, BBvBTN, etc). I wanted to ask if this sounds like a good idea.

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