Interesting spot SB vs BB
Posted by Jonisaverage
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Low Stakes
Interesting spot SB vs BB
Blinds: $0.10/$0.25 (6 Players)
BN: $34.17
SB: $45.96 (Hero)
BB: $25.00
UTG: $17.89
MP: $23.95
CO: $24.37
SB: $45.96 (Hero)
BB: $25.00
UTG: $17.89
MP: $23.95
CO: $24.37
Hero is SB with
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I found this spot a bit confusing, given the potential wide ranges SB vs BB in single raised pot. Thoughts?
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I feel like there is more value in x/c'ing here than betting. We get max value versus his bluffs as this is a scary card for you when you have Ax which you will have quite a bit of in your range (so you are also protecting your range by x/c'ing). If you bet, he is unlikely to be bluff raising here and his bluffs will fold. We also control how much we lose against a boat/higher flush by not opening ourselves up to a raise. We're also unlikely to lose value to JT since I expect JT to bet when you check to him given how often you'll have Ax or KJ/KT type hand.
Betting has the benefit of getting value out of Ax that he chose to raise with on the flop but I think most Ax just calls on the flop anyway.
That's kinda where I got to also. I had no reads on villain, but I was confused with what flats pre, raises flop and checks turn? Ax of clubs which I lose to, 55 I'd expect to bet (which I lose to also), 97 96 76 of clubs, heart draws like 67h etc which will fold to a river bet...I feel like BB should raise a bit vs my 1/3 pot flop sizing as I would bet full range there I think. In spite of that, I sort of end up feeling like I have a bit of a bluff catcher.
I like a check/call on the flop or check/raise much better than leading. He has a lot of Kx, Ax, in his flatting range from the big blind.
Hey man, I'm still learning with this stuff. My thinking with the flop lead was that I had a pretty strong range advantage, i.e. he has no AA, KK or AK (unless some trappy thing) and against any of his Ax or Kx I can put pretty strong pressure on turn and/or river as well as obviously if my flush draw comes in. Interested in your expanding a bit on your line?
I'm pretty new myself, but even if I had Ax I would likely check it. I agree with the post above. You are definitely going to have more nutted combos in this situation than him. He is probably only 3-betting you with with A10s+, AJo+, but that doesn't mean he doesn't have a lot of Aces. I don't mind the bet with the equity, either. I'm just saying you can mix in some checks and play some turns/rivers from time to time.
I'm just calling with 108s there pre-flop in the small most of the time. Probably 75% of the time.
Just my opinion. I'm humbled by people on here daily and realize how much I need to learn.
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