Interesting spot on turn with str8flush draw vs bluffy opponent in 3bpot
Posted by frenchkiss
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High Stakes
Interesting spot on turn with str8flush draw vs bluffy opponent in 3bpot
Villain opens up to 65% of hands (!), is very LAG, is a good handreader, but is kinda spewy, never folds against me, fights back a lot (stubborn), have a tendency to level himself, almost never folds to 3bets (ip or oop, doesnt matter), and can be very creative postflop. Can make big calls, can not hero fold, triple barrels more than anyone I ve seen. Also 4bets junk sometimes if he doesnt call against a 3bet (his fold to 3bet might be 10 or 15%)
Villain opens mid pos to 20, fish calls on CO, I 3bet to 110 on button with QTss, Villain 4bets to 280, fish folds, I decide to call ip against a range that is VERY likely to be super bluff heavy.
Flop comes KhKcJs. Villain bets 300, I call. Turn is the 8s, villain bets 420, there is 1600 effective left, what do you do ? Comments appreciated !
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I think I was not clear in my original post, he bets 420 and has 1100 left behind approximately.
And just to make things clear, having played this opponent almost everyday for the last 4 months, I guess he has air like 80%+ of the time here and I'm not concerned about running into a monster AT ALL. My goal is to find a way to maximize EV in this current spot against a hand that is very airy, and possibly balance my ranges fairly well not to be exploitable, which I seem to have failed to do, as you will see in the actual results :)
it removes the chance that we get bluffed on the river by a worse hand and have to fold... (i guess we don't HAVE to fold, but calling here to call blank rivers with queen high seems a bit marginal compared to shoving imo) or by Ax hands that 4bet and that folds turn to shove.
We have enough equity against this opponent that we are more than happy to get it in here, and i think this is a great semi-bluff to include in our range along with other value hands we'd be shoving.
I see some merit to calling, but I'd rather be calling with ace high draws to consider calling river shoves in this spot as a way to balance...
that said, this is a spot live where i will sometimes go with a read, and if i felt like for whatever reason he wasn't folding turn / comfort level, etc... but without any read like that i think shove is better
But as said previously, call/call with Q high seemed a bit ambitious (even if more balanced); Maybe the right thing would be now to shove more value hands on turns in spots like those to balance my ranges, but then I make him fold a lot of his bluffs (and he DEF ships the third barrels VERY often...), so I really don't know :/
Also note that this adjustment (3betting linearly) is something that some really good online players are starting to do in some 6m situations, in contrast to the traditional strategy of 3betting polarized ranges all the time. I think it's a really interesting topic.
As you mentioned Sean, I already started to develop a counter strategy based on his tendencies, but I don't know if they are correct : I started to flat more with A2s/A5s and ATs/AKs (I 3 bet the lattest like 50% of the time, call 50%) in order to let him get flush under flushed (or at least flush drawed over flushdrawed; He just can't fold when he flops a flush draw), I 3bet A6/A9s in order to reduce stack to pot ratio and be able to bet/get in comfortably if I flop nut flush draw+additionnal outs like gutter or Open ended, like A9s on 678 with both of my suit (I 3 bet those because of the fact that implied odds are worse than A5s for example, that have great deception for wheels etc).
I also 3 bet JTo sometimes, as he likes to call 3bets with medium suited connectors oop, so I can potentially flop a straight when he makes 2 pairs, or flop top pair+straight draw when he has bottom pair and straight draw, or second pair with straight draw. Lately I started 3 betting 99/TT/JJ (which I did not do always before), as I want to get all the stack in if I flop set over set, as we usually play 400bb deep (but I open myself to problems when he 4bets...).
I will sometimes (rarely...) 3 bet suited connectors just to give the illusion that I 3bet more frequently than what I really do, because my 3 bet/getting in range will usually be QQ+ vs him (I ve seen him go crazy with AQo or 99 with 400bb).
I don't know if those adjustments make any sense, and I' d be very happy to hear what you guys have to say about them, and hopefully also hear what other strategies/adjustments I could integrate against this specific opponent.
Even if spewy, this guy is def the strongest reg in the game, all other players are recreational players, and I feel that developing a solid overall strategy against him (who is my only "tough opposition") will definitely make an impact on my results.
Regarding hands like QTs, when I am in position, I just felt I gave up too much by not 3betting, but I could be way wrong. I mean, he still calls with inferior suited crap, and taking back the initiative against a super wide range had some value, but I' d be very interested to hear what you think are the pros and cons. But I m sure I could be convinced that flatting has better merits :)
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