Interesting QQ spot 4 ways vs likely weaker players

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Interesting QQ spot 4 ways vs likely weaker players

This spot seems to come up occassionally and it always feels like I'm a little lost. It's our first hand at .5/1 speed on ipoker so theres no info at all on any villains except for assumptions about the stack size they are sitting with. I'm going to write it out because I think it will be easiest to see.

hero is otb with 101e, villain 1 in sb with 49e, villain 2 in bb with 79e, villain 3 in co with 112e

folds to villain 3 who limps in the co for 1e, hero raises to 4e otb with QcQh , villain 1 calls, villain 2 calls, villain 3 calls.

Flop: Ts, 8d, 7h

checks around to hero. hero bets 9e into 16e.

villain 1 in sb raises to 30e with 14e behind, villain 2 folds, villain 3 folds


I understand that I could just throw some math in there with his range and figure out what to do.

I'm more curious how we like to play this spot from a GTO perspective. Do we prefer betting this flop 4 ways vs likely weaker players then making an equity decision based on his likely range? Or do we prefer to get some further information on turn cards by checking behind since this board crushes all of the flatters ranges pretty hard?

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