Interested in opinions on betting/checking ranges in this spot.
Posted by Zizek
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High Stakes
Interested in opinions on betting/checking ranges in this spot.
I've just spent the past 3 hours trying to develop what I think is the least exploitable approach to this spot but if I'm being honest I'm still unconvinced with what I've come up with.
The spot seems simple enough -
Hero raises SB and is flatted by BB. Flop is 942o. How do we proceed? (Approach this from a vacuum/GTO perspective, any player specific or population-tendency based exploitation is not in the spirit of this exercise)
I have my own thoughts to share but I don't want to prematurely steer the discussion one way or another. Hopefully you guys find this worthy of discussion at all and I'm not crazy for finding it interesting :)
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This spot is interesting insofar as we have wide ranges to start with and both ranges (SB-open-range and BB-defense-range) should roughly have equal equity on this particular flop.
I´d say we should have round-about 50% cbetting range and I´d start with any set, any overpair (maybe exclude AA) and 9x down to 98. Furthermore I´d bet my too-weak-to-x/c-showdown hands like 55-77 for value / protection, as well as 4x / 2x. I´d add a bunch of bluff-combos (like gutshots, overcards up to AJ, overcard+backdoors etc.).
Check-call with AA, the weaker 9x, 88 and all hands that have good equity (like AQ, AK).
This was pretty much my conclusion
exactly although I include 99,AJ, AT, KQ, Kjs and Qjs w/ bdfd's in my
c/c range. AA is the perfect hand to strengthen our c/c range w/ as
it blocks a majority of the hands he will call a cbet w/ (Same logic
w/ 99 imo)
My original concern was that w/ a c/c flop range
weighted heavily towards A high we would have difficulty defending vs
turn and river overbets on a majority of runouts. Seeing as villain
can start vbetting w/ as weak as 32s on the flop he will have a high
amount of vbetting combos he will in theory be overbetting with.
I think we help counteract this effect
a bit by being able to cover K-T turns and rivers a decent amount w/
our AQ, KQ, AT etc c/c combos. (This is why I think c/c AJ AT KQ KJ
QJ might be superior to cbetting flop as you suggest)
What do
you think an optimal BB strategy would look when we check this flop?
Given that BB can vbet all pairs, his strong pairs will need to bet
flop to start getting value and his weakest pairs have an incentive
to bet now for immediate value/protection. This leaves him w/ a
checking range w/ no pairs however. Exploitable?
@BigFizh I think this board is better for SB than you actually think. BB can not call even close to "1-a" by just picking ThirdPair+.
And another specific note that i find crucial of this texture is that BB is almost never raising our cbet. That changes the way that we should construct our ranges.
Very nice flop to cbet. BB almost never flop a good hand and it makes less attractive for him to raise our cbet. BB has never TT+++ but we can reasonably have so attacking on this board texture even with second and third barrel makes sense. We can add bluff combos to our cbet range more then GTO lets or just cap it to %50. I just bet bet bet impudently and rarely check / call, very rarely check / fold and never build a check raise range on this flop. Frequencies will change depends on pvp dynamics.
"We can add bluff combos to our cbet range more then GTO lets or just cap it to %50".
The question I'm interested in here is how many bluff combos do you think would be GTO? Where do you get 50% from?
Your SB-range should (!) be weak on this board (due to your high SB-open), so if you cbet say 75%, it´s ultraeasy for your opponent to just call you down very light (I´d never raise you, neither on flop nor on turn, but I´ll bluffshove the river from time to time - in addition to my monsters, so you´ll just run into my opened knife by betting relentlessly).
Additionally you increase BB´s preflop implied odds - which is crucial, so he´s not only getting 2:1 on his preflop-call but more sth. like 4:1, which means, he can defend ultrawide preflop and fold ultrawide on the flop w/o being exploitable.
If you make profit by bet/bet/bet, it´s far from GTO, it´s a purely exploitive line against players who likely play poorly postflop.
I have to say, I found "you'll just run into my opened knife by betting relentlessly" quite poetic!
i remember it from Sean Lefort's video advanced theory priniciples where he says " the highest an optimal bluffing frequency can effectively be is 50% in a situation where we bet infinity into a finite pot size ".
betsize implications
X = 1/2 POT Z = 25 %
X = POT Z = 33.3 %
X = 4xPOT Z = 44.4 %
if you think im wrong about cause and effect relation please correct me
No doubt, that´s correct, but somewhat unrelated to this topic, for two reasons:
1) This means you´re betting $1,000,000,000... into $1, in this case you could bluff 50% - and Villain couldn´t do anything about it.
2) It means 50% bluffs of your overall-betting-range, so think about how narrow your valuerange would get if you bet large amounts on the flop? Obviously, the narrower your value-range gets, the narrower your bluff-range gets.
Additionally, you can bluff more than 50% on the flop, because there are more streets to come, but as your overall equity against Villain´s range is merely 50%, your actual valuerange is not that wide. And with a tiny value-range, even a value:bluff-ratio means little bluffs.
I agree with you BigFiszh i just want to point out here that this is the board we can attack comfortably in a sb vs bb situation. Whenever bb didnt 3bet maybe AKX, AQX are the best boards to attack. Boards we flop OP where he cant are second best boards to attack if we try to rank boards by vulnerability for BB. We are always in a bad shape sb vs bb but this spot is lesser evil.
"We are always in a bad shape sb vs bb but this spot is lesser evil."
Haha, agree 100%. :D
I've reached close to what I think is
the least exploitable bet/check ranges on the flop for SB. I'm
cbetting 54%, checking 46%. My checking range has just enough air to
prevent BB from being able to profit w/ no equity bluffs and just
enough air to ensure the range isn't too bluff catcher heavy so that
BB will never have incentive to bluff.
For my bluff range I've included all 2
overcard hands up to KJ, 50% combos of T7o-J8o (1 over+bdsd), all
combos of bdsd+bdfd hands and most combos of strong bdfds. Here are
some screenshots:

What do you guys think of what I'vecome up with? Any glaring mistakes? And if not, and if this exercise
is still holding anyone's besides just my interest, let's work on
BB's check/bet ranges next! I've started to do this a bit already and
am curious to see what others think.
PS: As an aside, I'm
working w/ ~50% ranges here preflop which is likely different from
what GTO SB open % and BB call % look like. I averaged 20 of the
winning regs I have 20,000+ hands on in the games I play (MSNL-HSNL)
and the average SB open was 47% and BB call v SB open 38%. It's my opinion
assuming that SB opens ~50% we can flat closer to 50-60% profitably
so to simulate what my typical PF ranges will look like in the games
I play in I went w/ ~50% open and defend. Changing to much tighter or
looser ranges has a pretty significant impact on how we play this
board specifically.
You check 88 and 99 but decide to bet 22. Why? Also why not bet a hand like KQs with bdfd + bdsd? I find this thread very interesting. Keep up the good work! :)
I include 99 in my c/c range to make it more resilient when facing barrels and overbets. I'd rather cbet 22 than 99 because 99 blocks all the 9x combos we get value from. 22 will get more value betting than 99 and 99 will face a more bluff heavy betting range than 22 when checking.
88 is a borderline hand that I believe is too weak to bet bet bet and may get more value when c/calling.
Oh and as for KQs w/ bdsd+ bdfd it is certainly a hand strong enough to bet but we have plenty of other air candidates to add to our bluffing range and many less hands which are strong enough to c/c with here.
KQs is a valuable addition to our c/c range as it helps us proceed on K and Q turns which we don't cover well otherwise.
Awesome stuff Zizek. Looking forward to your analysis of other spots. :)
It depends how your raising range looks like. Normally you would like to bet flop with a polarized range and have about 2, 5-3 (depending on equity) bluff combos for every value combo when being in pos on flop.
Great wisdom, now I´m seriously impressed. :|
I dit not try to impress you M BigFizh and I also did not think anyone would be impressed. I only wanted to share my thoughtprocess when constructing a range in this spot to contribute. I honestly did not think that my thinking process was standard among all RIO members.
I will not do it again.
You said earlier in the thread that we should be able to bluff this flop more than 50% since we there are more streets to come, but when we don't position or the stronger range, can we really expect to get away with bluffing much more than 50%? Does the fact that we can bluff future streets still give us enough reason to have more "bluff" combos than value, when we don't have a range advantage?
I know you aren't advocating we bluff this flop too liberally, I'm just more curious how our ability to bluff future streets comes into play when we don't have position or any sort of range advantage. Thanks.
Let´s imagine, we have a range of AA, 99, 32 - and Villain has exactly
the same. The board is some non-descript dry "nothing".
what will happen when we´re out of position and bet? We WON´T bet 99,
agree? It makes no sense, as we NEVER will get called by worse (Villain will always call his Aces and always fold his 32), so we
have no valuebet. What we´ll do is, we´ll bet with AA and the
appropriate amount of 32-combos.
Now, we don´t care what happens
when Villain has AA, we´re targeting his bluffcatching-range! We want to
get him to be break-even with his 99, when we bet (and remember, our
entire range, consisting of AA and 32o has to make him indifferent of
calling / folding). Agree?
So, let´s further imagine we´re
betting all streets with our Aces (the board-runout is irrelevant for
our example). So, we bet the flop, bet the turn, bet the river. Now (I
hope you still can follow me :D), let´s imagine, Villain has an
"indefinite" amount of 99´s (his bluffcatchers), okay? So, he´ll call
with AA 100%, fold 32o 100% and call the 99´s some percent of the time
(depending on our betsize, say 50%, if we bet pot).
Let´s play it through - backwards from river to flop:
bet pot on the river, we have 6 combos of AA and 3 combos of 32o.
Villain calls with half of his 99-combos (we still don´t care about his
nuts). Both players play optimal ranges. We´re break-even on our bluffs - and Villain is break-even on his calls.
OK, back to the turn. We know that we´ll bet the river with 9 combos - and force Villain to fold 50% of his range. So, we can
treat those 9 river-combos as our value-range on the turn - and add 2:1
bluff-combos = 4.5 combos. So, we bet 9:4.5 (= 13.5 combos) on the turn.
"Technically" we´re too bluffheavy, because only 6 of our 13.5 combos
are "valuehands", right? Still Villain´s EV with bluffcatchers is zero -
check it out. :)
Say the pot on the turn is 10bb:
EV (Villain turn) = (33%*20)+(67%*(67%*-40+33%*50)) = ~0
have 6 value-combos and 7.5 bluff-combos, so > 50% of our
betting-range are "bluffs". So, you see that on the turn we already can
bet more than 50% bluffs!
Now, if we got back to the flop, we
calculate with 13.5 "valuecombos" and add 2:1 bluffs, so we add another
6.75 bluff-combos for a total of 20.25 betting-combos. Remember, still
only 6 of those 20 combos are Aces, the rest is air! And Villain is
still break-even on calling, even though we have a value:air-ratio of
30:70 on the flop.
Got it now?
Ah, and one thing to add: you
If there are any questions left, please feel free to ask me!!see that nowhere in my explanation the word "equity" came up. That
means, the remaining equity we have with our bluffs is not the deciding
factor (even though you´ll read it in some posts), that´s just another
point that adds on our EV, but it´s not the reason we can bluff more if
more betting streets are coming.
Ah, and one thing to add: you
see that nowhere in my explanation the word "equity" came up. That
means, the remaining equity we have with our bluffs is not the deciding
factor (even though you´ll read it in some posts), that´s just another
point that adds on our EV, but it´s not the reason we can bluff more if
more betting streets are coming.
This model assumes that Villain will never raise you (since it would make no sense). It has little to do with most boards. Even a board like 924r seems pretty drawy, to be honest.
hey guys, u all suggest to cbet weak pairs for protaction, I think I'm missing here smth, cause I don't see much point in betting let say J2 or 54 on 942r.
When we cbet it, we gonna have a hard time trying to see SD. What's the plan on many overs? We X on tern overcard or bet again & tern hand into bluff?
I like to add this weaker hands to my Xc range, cause I rather want to SD with them than put extra money in pot.
Can u explain why u think betting is better?
Thanks in advance!
Whats your plan with J2 or 54 once you checkback ? call turns and then ? You either have to be balancing a bit by betting weak made hands or checking stronger made hands to protect your range. For me it is an easy choice: I bet weak.
we r not IP! we on SBvsBB
It looks like we have about one "bluff" for every value bet we have on the flop. I realize this isn't the best way to look at the situation since our bluffs have equity, just not sure how else to frame it. How does this impact our barreling strategy on the turn and river? Seems like we might not have a ton of bluffs left by the time we get to the river unless we continue a ton on the turn?
it would mainly depend how aggressively you v-bet for 3 streets. The more often you bet through the river, the more you can utilize a higher bluffing fqcy from an earlier street.
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