Intepretting Sauce
Posted by Pitsquared
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High Stakes
Intepretting Sauce
"The most important single heuristic in my experience is that if two betsizes getting substantial use are clustered, picking one in the middle gets most of the EV. If they're separated more, using both ends up adding substantial EV." -Sauce
Does he mean clustered vs separated in how sizes are mixed within the individual hand or clustered as in how sizes are distributed throughout the range? Can someone please explain how I should be picturing this when looking at solver solutions?
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I've been thinking about it and looking at solutions now i think he means that when much of our betting range is mixing multiple sizes that we can choose a rough avg of those sizes and retain EV but if different parts of our range want to take distinct sizes then we are better off splitting our range into those distinct sizes. ??
If there is like a 40% betsize and a 60% betsize, you can pick 50% and have max EV.
But if for example there is a 125% and a 25% using both is max EV
Big separation calls for using both sizes.
That's what I make of it
i think this is also what he meant, although i dont know the context of what he was talking about it, but just from this sentence would make the most sense to me.
Agreed with Bingo. I don't think that he meant that picking 50% in this example will get you max EV though. I think that he's saying that picking 50% will get you pretty close to max EV whereas splitting the difference between a 125% size and a 25% size will cost you lots of EV as an overall strategy.
Do you guys think splitting the range into 2 betsizes on the river will add enough EV making it worth the work? How much gain of EV would you consider as attractive enough
It is not good advise, a better approach would be to pick the size the opponent plays worse against given your particular hand.
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