Indifference and blockers

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Indifference and blockers

Hi, if I want to make my opponent indifferent to calling with a hand, but my value range block this hand. Should I value bluff less ?

If for simplicity I want to make my opponent indifferent to call AQ on QJ3. But my value range has AQ QQ JJ QJ KK AA. A part of my value range has Q. If my bluff range is air. Maybe I can block AQ with Ax bluff. But should I still have the same value to bluff ratio ? Because when my opponent has AQ, he would then realize that now my range is more bluff heavy because of blockers. Or should I make a bluff ratio that would account for 1/3 of my QQ, 8/12 of my AQ, 6/8 of my QJ, and so on... of course it gets more complicated if I block the A with my bluffs but all else being equal, should I account for the fact I block the calling range with my value range when making a ratio ?

Because I remember the toy game where both players have either A,K,Q, and can bet one bet of half pot against the other. the bettor must bet all his A and 1/3 of his Q, so a balanced ratio, even tough when the opponent can not have an A when he blocks the A. And the bluffcatcher must call 1/3 of his K. But I think the difference is we ''don't care'' about when he has an A. We want to make K indifferent. And when our oppoennt has a K, we then have A and 1/3 of Q.

So for example I think if on QJ3 I would like to make AQ indifferent, then I would care about blocking the Q. But if my goal was to make a Jx indifferent I would not care, even tough when I have a Q, I am blocking his calling range, he is still indifferent with a J. But if I 'target' a Q, then I must then bluff as if I had less Q in my range.

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