Improving winrate in the big blind

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Improving winrate in the big blind

Hi guys I'm still in the process of fixing potential leaks. Would appreciate if you can help out. The topic I want to tackle next is blind defense in fullring.

My NL5 FR winrate in the BB is -56 EV bb/100 over a small sample of 3.000 hands in the BB.
VPIP 17,4 PFR 6,00 3bet 5,93 WTSD% 22,0 W$SD% 56,4 Agg 1,83 Agg% 21,8

Do you see any stat that is a bit too nitty? I think I'm a bit hesitant to bluff3bet in the BB because I have no position, however in the SB I 3bet a ton and my winrate in SB is -12evbb/100.

I see pro players defend suited aces vs virtually any position. I don't know the reasoning. It probably has to do with equity realization, but how can I realize equity when I'm getting barreled all the time??

The only adaption I would do now is 3bet more against button steals with hands that have low value in flatting (Suited Trash, maybe 3betbluff offsuit Ax to get dat 3bet stat rising?)

I just want to lose a bit less in the BB any help is appreciated. Like if I could even increase my BB winrate my 3bb/100hands that would mean a whopping 25% increase or so to my total average winrate.

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urb 8 years, 2 months ago
  1. STATS. I am not a FR player, but 17/6 does not seem right. The gap between your VPIP and PFR is just way to big. You actually play a loose passive game, which you should know is not the best strategy to be a winning player. It looks like you're a complete beginner, so I'd start with reading some basic books if I were you. I hope I'm not breaking any RIO rules by recommending verneer's "Building a bankroll" here.

  2. BB DEFENSE. The reason to defend wide in BB is the pot odds you get when defending against usual online raise sizes of 2-3bb. Equity realization is actually what should discourage you from defending even wider ranges, not an incentive to do it in the first place.
    Example: Someone opens from LP to 3bb with what you believe is 25% range. It folds to you in BB with A4s. You need to call 2bb to win 7bb pot, so you need 28% equity. Against his range you have around 45%, so you're good to go. But because equity realization is an issue, you can't defend to wide, since weaker hands will still tend to lose you money.
    So try comparing equity of different hands against different opening ranges and opening sizes, adjust for equity realization problem and you should start getting an idea for how wide to defend your BB.

You don't have enough sample size to determine your true winrate in BB. And I'm not sure you realize that by increasing it by 3bb/100 will increase your overall winrate only by 0,33bb/100.

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