I'm writing THE book - please help!
Posted by Michael Gazonda
Posted by
Michael Gazonda
posted in
Low Stakes
I'm writing THE book - please help!
I'm going to do my best to write something that is really useful for people of all skill levels. From people who don't know what poker is, all the way up to high level pros. It's a bit of an undertaking, but I'm confident I can do it.
Here's where I can use your assistance. What would you want to see in a poker book? What questions do you have that you would like to see answered? It doesn't have to be about betting strategy... anything poker related would be awesome!
I realize there are a lot of questions here... so what I'm looking for are ideas to talk about that don't involve specific hands. Something more abstract. I'll be using hands to illustrate concepts later.
I'm offering an (electronic) copy to anyone who offers an idea that I use in the book. Here's your chance to have the parts of poker explained in a way you can understand, without having to play a massive amount of poker to get there.
Feel free to reply here, or to send me an email at mike@runitonce.com
Current Table of Contents to take a look at:
April 24, 2013
Poker - The Void - v0.009.pdf (535 KB)
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