IGN Reg Table 25NL: ATs with just a gutter in a big 3b pot
Posted by jsimon101
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Low Stakes
IGN Reg Table 25NL: ATs with just a gutter in a big 3b pot
Ignition - $0.25 NL (6 max) - Holdem - 6 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4: http://www.pokertracker.com
UTG: 105.28 BB
MP: 90.04 BB
CO: 51.2 BB
BTN: 177.48 BB 50/50 over 11 hands
Hero (SB): 113.36 BB
BB: 131.52 BB 27/27 over 11 hands - seems reggish...
Hero posts SB 0.4 BB, BB posts BB 1 BB
Hero has AhTh
Pre Flop: (pot: 1.4 BB)
fold, fold, fold, BTN raises to 2.48 BB, Hero raises to 8.44 BB, BB calls 7.44 BB, fold
Flop : (19.36 BB, 2 players) Jc 9d 8c
Hero checks, BB bets 6 BB, Hero?
Was my check otf correct? What's your recommendation as to how to proceed - or not? Thank you!
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Hey there.
first thing that jumps out to me is that you should be raising bigger pre. At NL 25 with the rake I am raising to 10bbs hoping for pre flop folds
Flop I believe is a pure check in theory. (would like to hear any other opinion's from a GTO perspective)
In practice I believe this is even more a check. At NL25 reg table. you say he seems Reggie. what do you think his cold call 3bet range I am guessing most of his range hits this board pretty well.
Hope that helps good luck with the hand review
AA-77,AKo-AJo,KQo,AKs-A9s,KQs-KTs,QJs-QTs,JTs-J9s,T9s,98s,87s AcKc,AcQc,AcTc,Ac9c,KcQc,KcTc,QcTc,Tc9c
Yeah, just stick to 4x OOP preflop and you will be fine. 11 hands is useless so I would default to a vacuum strategy and stick to 4x.
Flop, would simply play it as a check/call. Raising seems bad since BB's will have all sets, all 2pr and a bunch of straights. We don't ever want to face a bet/3b here and be forced to fold out a substantial amount of equity vs the sets/2pr. Not a lot of great cards for us. Q, while it fills our draw, it also carries some reverse implied odds. 7's are good but we can still make our hand and see QT here. Clubs are bad. Ax turns are meh.
Proceed with caution but I think a continue vs that size on flop is in order.
i am pure checking/calling as i think this is the theory default line here with no reads on a better exploitative line
jsimon101 your guess at villians range is pretty good definitely should discount most combos AK, QQ-AA
Also if he is cold calling 3bet with hands like J9suited he is not even close to a reg in my opinion
The population tendencie at low stakes is that people do not 3bet enough. So calling J9s is going to be minus ev
Well if he leads:
Our equity is 32% - and we need at least 19% so probably best to call - even if he's only betting with sets, 2p and str8 we still have 21%... but I felt that both the size and the board - that he's betting that I was beat pretty good - any merit in folding?
Yeah as Dr Max said check calling is the only line vs this cbet size
thank you to all for the awesome fb!
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