I just don't get how to play AK in cash games... HELP!
Posted by jamo
Posted by jamo posted in Low Stakes
I just don't get how to play AK in cash games... HELP!
UTG: $10.71
HJ: $16.72 (Hero)
CO: $9.97
BN: $13.53
SB: $15.83
BB: $9.87
HJ: $16.72 (Hero)
CO: $9.97
BN: $13.53
SB: $15.83
BB: $9.87
SB is 19/17 over 138 hands with 11% 3b (5/44). This is his first 3b vs a MP open. Notetracker says his 3b range is AA [1]. From all of this I think his range is pretty tight here so I'm torn between 4betting, flatting in position or just folding. Which is best?
(6 Players)
Hero was dealt
UTG folds, Hero raises to $0.30, CO folds, BN folds, SB raises to $1.20, BB folds, Hero raises to $2.80, SB raises to $15.83, and is all in, Hero calls $13.03
UTG folds, Hero raises to $0.30, CO folds, BN folds, SB raises to $1.20, BB folds, Hero raises to $2.80, SB raises to $15.83, and is all in, Hero calls $13.03
So I decide to 4b thinking that if he 5b small I will fold and if he jams I will call since it could be a hand like AQ. I was 28/28 over 111 hands on this table with 7% (1/14) raising from MP. I need to have 41% equity vs his 5b jamming range to break even here. Does that make this a call or a fold?
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