I found this spot tough 50NL Zoom 6Max
Posted by CombatCarl
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Low Stakes
I found this spot tough 50NL Zoom 6Max
BN: $44.25
SB: $67.62
BB: $64.19
UTG: $92.35 (Hero)
HJ: $57.33
CO: $144.08
SB: $67.62
BB: $64.19
UTG: $92.35 (Hero)
HJ: $57.33
CO: $144.08
(6 Players)
Hero was dealt
Hero raises to $1.50, HJ folds, CO folds, BN folds, SB calls $1.25, BB calls $1
Hero raises to $1.50, HJ folds, CO folds, BN folds, SB calls $1.25, BB calls $1
(3 Players)
SB checks,
BB checks,
Hero bets $3.22,
SB calls $3.22,
BB folds
(2 Players)
SB checks,
Hero bets $7.83,
SB raises to $34,
Hero raises to $87.63, and is all in,
SB calls $28.90, and is all in
An unknown player.
He could have 22/66 which is..... a huge problem because, well, you know why...
But, he could also have a set worse kicker like KT/QT/JT/9T.
FD is unlikely because I block NFD.
I paused so long to make my decision here. Thoughts on turn CR?
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Personally I am X'ing on at least one street. The flop/turn misses our range pretty hard here and betting into two players turns our hand face up somewhat. That being said, a XR OTT line seems like a reasonable one here.
I would be very happy getting this in here vs. an unknown! Especially when he goes with that fishy turn size. He could easily show you a hand like KK / bluffs, along with worse trips. I think something like T9 would start to be gross in this spot.
Yeah, his turn CR sizing seems bad vs me(the unknown player in his POV) so that helps us to make the decision a bit easier in regards to an option to fold to the turn CR. 3bet/shoving on turn is questionable though because we hold the Ace of Hearts and because he is an unknown player, yeah, I should've thought about that a little more here, I think. Probably, the best line is to flat his turn CR.
Whether to call or 3b turn I dont really have an opinion on that, both seem perfectly fine, while folding I dont like at all.
I play this hand like you. Maybe flat his raise turn instead of raising for maximise value against his bluffs ?
And he could easily do that with a weaker T like KT,QT,JT,T9 for value your strong overpairs.
There's so many weaker kickers, this is a super easy stack off?
Is everyone opening this hand from UTG in zoom ?
It's not an automatic open for me.
I start with AJo and ATs. I can add ATo if the table is "nitty"
I'd open it if I don't see much obstacles in my way and that seems to be like the majority of time in 50NL Zoom 6Max anyways.
Seems to me like he has the T here, Maybe KT/QT/JT after your check/bet his raise is way too high, maybe looking to block the backdoor flush? If he has the 22/66 I would expect the raise to be a lot smaller.
So, the correct line is to just flat the turn CR no? It plays better against his overall range? My problem here was that I had zero expectation for the CR thus I feel like I made an error on turn.
Seems like a trivial call turn and call river, as it's impossible to balance a shoving range on the turn. If you fold here, you're folding everything except boats and quads. That would be pretty easy to exploit.
Yeah, you summed it up nicely. It's not a fold but it's not a shove either.
Yes I would flat the c/r and evaluate on the river but by the looks of how the villian played the money was going in anyway! Dont think folding is an option.
I think you can bet smaller on this mega dry flop that you won't be beat very often. I see his range as T9s (1), JT (4), QT (4), KT (4), AT (1), 22 (3), 66 (3) and I don't think that is a mandatory call/fold and you have to be balanced on this strategy because we can't input a flat probability distribution on his range here, he is very toward to KT, 22, 66 and looking in the whole picture I think that is 50%/50% to call or fold, since his sizing is enormous OTT.
Hey Carl,
I think I would like to put this specific hand into my x/c range to pretect stuff like AK or AQ, your opponent's entire range has at most 2 outs on you expcet 22, which I doubt he'll defend in sb at the first place if he's a reg. By checking you keep them in the pot and give them chance to hit something with their air which then might pay you off for one street or two. I will x/c two street and mostly likely c/r river unless I have some very strong reads that I was outdrawed.
We are in position here unless you are speaking in villain's shoes. If you guys want to, we can discuss the villain's actual range now.
I 3bet/shoved on tiurn and he started to tank, around 10 seconds into his tank, I knew then that the I had him beat so I was relieved but when he tanked another 10 seconds, I became concerned because then I realized that the I just gave him the easiest of options on turn.
So, although I can see that some of you find the turn spot trivial, I tend to think that the I played the hand poorly because if we 3bet/shove on turn then 22/66 is calling yet Tx worse kicker might fold and over pairs will likely fold.
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