HUNL Noob .... ediquette questions.

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HUNL Noob .... ediquette questions.

Played a small session of HU vs one guy. Small sample but large for Bovada since most guys hit n run at small stakes. The guy continued to play me after being up a buy in. Eventually ended up quitting me down two buy ins. His reasoning for quitting me was I don't 3bet enough and he will never get unstuck. My 3bet was 15% at the end. His was just shy of 50%. I was aware that my 3bet was low but I found out early on that he has glaring post flop leakes. He was using very large 3bet sizings and wanted to reduce the SPR and turn it into a two street game as much as possible. His 3bet was always 3x+ and his 4bets were a full 3x regardless of my opening and 3bet sizings. So I wanted to play more postflop where I thought I had a skill edge. I was doing a good job (at least I think so) at stabbing and overbetting. Putting pressure on his capped or unprotected ranges. So its not like we were playing small pots. I overbet the river a hand full of times as well as regularly used large, polarizing bets on turns and rivers.

So my questions are:

What are typical 3bet stats for HU?
Is my adjustment to not 3bet as much an okay/acceptable adjustment?
Does he have a point? Should I be 3betting more even if I think I have an edge postflop?

I understand he doesn't need a reason to quit me. And he could have just been venting since he was up a buy in then ended down two.

I'm not a HU player but I play from time to time for practice and to be more well rounded. It is the purest form of poker and I think it is great for working on post flop ranges. The reason I don't play is because too many people hit and run.

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