HUDs and Popups
Posted by cavino
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Low Stakes
HUDs and Popups
I was watching a tyler forrester video and noticed that he has about 28 stats in his HUD and a variety of popups. I was also reading Otb's Zoom challenge thread on 2p2 where he mentions using the same number of stats in his HUD and a variety of popups and was wondering if there is a RIO video where a 6max NLHE player goes over his HUD and popups and can help me to build a similarly useful HUD.
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Its best you make your hud yourself so you know whats where and why you have this stat, why its usefull etc.
I have a pretty thorough HUD, but I don't have 28 stats on the main HUD which leads me to believe that there's room for some additional stuff. I don't want to necessarily use someone else's HUD. I just want to see how my HUD can be improved. Maybe some members can share their 6max HUD stats here if they'd like.
I use # of hands, VPIP, PFR, 3b/fold to 3b, AF, cbet/fold to cbet, WWSF, WSD, W$SD. I believe those are the only stats I look at when I make a tough decision. If I just need a few stats to make an easy decision, I look at VPIP and PFR. It's really not complex. People have put the HUD on a pedestal. I beat 25nl for 40k hands without a HUD when I was starting out, and I know a guy who plays HU and zoom games full time that still doesn't use a HUD.
absolutely disagree with dsm2235, Heaps of stats are really interesting which tell a lot about how people construct their ranges. stats like flop x/r, raise vs Cbet etc gives valueable information as to how people construct their postflop ranges.
To see some decent HUDs you can try a HUD at for a trial period and see how well constructed HUDS look like and work.
I think a HUD increases your win rate if you apply the stats properly to each situation, but Idk how much it actually increases. I wouldn't use my HUD if I didn't believe it helped though. I'm just saying you can be a winning player without one. If that's a lie, then no one could be a winning live player.
I think HUDs are helpful and increase winrate. I use bodog poker catcher and bovada HUD and I'm fully pleased with it. It has trial for 72 hours so you can easily try it and find out it's advantages personally.
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