HU - TP facing river overbet
Posted by StaticVoid
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Mid Stakes
HU - TP facing river overbet
SB: $716.50 (Hero)
BB: $400
BB: $400
(2 Players)
Hero was dealt
Hero raises to $8, BB calls $4
Hero raises to $8, BB calls $4
(2 Players)
BB checks,
Hero bets $10,
BB raises to $36,
Hero calls $26
There was no 3-bet preflop so villain is representing {A9,A4,44,hh}. Standard I assume?
(2 Players)
BB bets $60,
Hero calls $60
There are now a bunch of draws. What do you think about C/Shove? I doubt we are ever ahead though if called.
(2 Players)
BB bets $296, and is all in
Our range looks a bit capped so this bet seems a bit suspect. We need to be defending around 41% of the time and we do have TP but we only beat a bluff.
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It all comes down to dynamics. Not so many players XR Ahi board with air, an because of that many players also play their FD passively on Ahi boards. Also, people usually 3b the better Ax, so when they flat pre and XR flop, TPTK or TPGK is not really in their range ; IMO it makes XR bluff very vulnerable to floats and 3b on this type flops.
For all that, I just think most players usually have it when they XR and barrel off. With A6, I definitely fold river and don't worry at all about being exploited (you have so many better TP to defend with, if that's what you're worried about). I could even fold turn: we have terrible equity vs his value range, and I just don't think you're being bluffed enough.
We can defend easily >40% of the time OTR without needing this hand in our calling range.
C/C turn decide river usually best in this scenario? I think folding turn is a bit too weak especially given all the draws.
There really isn't that much draws and A9 isn't in most people's preflop 3b range.
No 3b this hand. Min raise
Definitely calling here. Villain wouldn't overbet jam hands like A4 and maybe not even A9, and you don't block hearts or BDSDs he may have raised with.
Also, his flop raise is pretty bad, imo.
You should generally not be too aggressive on boards where your opponent's range is much stronger than yours. Villian doesn't have AA/99 and probably not every A4s/A9s in his range.
So if you cr every two pair etc, it becomes way too easy for Villian to blow you off everything you call the flop with. It's very important to protect that very wide and weak calling range with strong hands.
So as Villian, I would call every 44/A9o/NFD etc.
You can split your ranges more into calls folds and raises on the turn.
I actually ended up calling in this hands for these exact reasons mentioned.
He showed down a very unlikely holding.. 53cc. Given his actual holding, I like his river overbet.
Congratulations. Keep sitting him.
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