HU NL 100 facing T c/r w TP

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HU NL 100 facing T c/r w TP

SB: $185.78 (Hero)
BB: $110.29
Preflop ($1.50) (2 Players)
Hero was dealt T Q
Hero raises to $2.50, BB raises to $8, Hero calls $5.50
Flop ($17.50) 7 Q 5 (2 Players)
BB bets $10, Hero calls $10
Turn ($37.50) 7 Q 5 2 (2 Players)
BB checks, Hero bets $20, BB raises to $45


BB is reg. 97% open, 24% 3b , 19% call pre , cbet stats in 3b pot - 89%(9 flops seen), 0% (5 turns seen) and no rivers.. so not much detailed info. My stats were 78% open, 56% fold to 3b, 0% 4b, fold to flop cb in 3b pot 38%.

Flop ez call i think, no point raising, but turn gets little awkward with that c/r. I tend to notice that on such dry boards villians often take c/r line with the stronger part of their range like KQ+ . Whats the reasoning here, why they take such line ? Cuz i can have a lot of floats, missed gutshots that might stab ? Some weaker Qx that are gonna go for value and maybe value cut myself ? Looks like the obvious adapt is to chekback on T, and get some value on R - if he checks we bet,if he bets we just call? Don't we miss value this way ? Whats the best approach, if we look this spot and having in mind that villian usually c/r KQ+, as general/vacuum ?


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CombatCarl 11 years ago

He could do it with A7hh/Qxhh/+QQ/KQ/AQ/77/86hh. Betting turn might be a little thin but I think it's OK. I might just check/back turn to keep his worse range and bluffs in, and then snap off a bet or bet 35% on river myself when checked to.

As played on turn, it's a tough spot because turn card is not exactly a brick, it brings BSFD/BSSD into the picture, depending on how wide he 3bets pre, some combo draws that picks up more equity, like, A3hh/A4hh/etc.

You have 3 options on turn:

1) Flat his CR on turn and call off a bet on a brick river.

2) 3bet/shove on turn.

3) Fold to his turn CR.

I prefer 1 > 2 > 3.

Freakymo91 11 years ago

i would easyly call his his raise its allmost a minraise and i see no pint for him c/r here other than a bluff the pot is 37.5$ on the turn with 2 bets to come he can easyly bet himself witha strong hand and get it in and dont risk a check check on the turn and then have 2 overbet the rivr his line makes 0 sence for me since he reraised preflop this line seems for me like AK or AJ who wants 2 take down the pot on the turn. I would just call and snap of  a non A/K river

kurabiika 11 years ago

Freaky do u actually see that line from regs in 3b pot ? cbet AK/ AJ on flop and c/allmost minr brick T ? I very rarely see such weird bluff, sometimes i do, but not the majority of the time, so yeah thats why im kinda suprised by the moves u suggest.

10x for the comments btw

Freakymo91 11 years ago

but why doesnt he bet himself? he can easyly get it in on his own he doesnt need a checkraise (mincheckraise).seem pretty weard for me..

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