HU hands for Experts in that game

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HU hands for Experts in that game

1st: Can't import anyhow
100BB deep, hero SB w 8s7h openraise 2,5x BB(reggish weak player, he did some pretty bad plays but overall not rec, I'd say weak reg)

* Dealing flop * [ 8h, Ts, Tc ] POT 10$
V checks
Hero bets [$3.30]
V raises [$11.80]
Hero calls [$8.50]
* Dealing turn * [ 9c ] POT 33,6$
V bets [$25]
Hera calls [$25]
* Dealing river * [ 8d ] POT 83$
V bets [$70]


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Jeff_ 4 years, 10 months ago

I don't play HU much, only when table start and feeling it. But I have decent idea about ranges and so on. When to valuebet, when to fold

Here: Flop I think is quite good for me because I have Tx advantage so betting close to 80-90% should be solid strategy. Turn I'm having problems, I gotta defend ~60% of my range and folding all PP 22-77, Ahighs, Weak 8x, some gunshots like KQ/AQ) This hand is close to being a fold so I'm not sure.

River: as played all my straights now can be folded, and all JJ-AA, J9, KJ and so on. I can call all Tx which is for sure solid and 8x should be on a cusp.

DNegs98 4 years, 9 months ago

I think pocket pairs might be a better defend than a hand like A8 on turn because you have boat outs to stack trips and they're polarised to a ten so they all have the same showdown value.

I think on river there's a chance that overpairs no club make better call downs than 8x as well because you want to block the strongest Tx or Tx with a draw that will continue to barrel turn and value bet river whereas 8x blocks nothing, same goes for the good straight it blocks the QT/JT. Not 100% on this and haven't run through pio but I think they either have Tx or air here so all these hands are identical. Honestly though I think if you're up against a weak reg you can just fold all of this because people don't try to make you fold when your range looks this strong, this kind of thinking can let a good reg exploit you by realising that you're only calling Tx in these spots but weak regs will probably just give up too often on river so you can "lose the node" when they bet by overfolding because you know you get to realise too much equity on the river without fighting back against this line anyway.

MajinVeta 4 years, 9 months ago

The low pocket pairs actually make quite bad defends on the turn. I'd guess that's because they just straight up lack in equity and block backdoor flushdraw combos that might barrel turn. Such as J6, Q3, J3, etc. OOP is supposed to heavily favour using block bets on the turn, so when he goes around 75%, the required equity to continue is quite high.

zinom1 4 years, 10 months ago

No way you can fold this if you are betting range or close to range on flop. However from an exploitative pov folding could be good ofc. The reason you cant fold river is that you simply dont have enough Tx to call with. 87 is good to call river because villain is never bluffing with 8x so your hand beats every bluff and unblock bluffs pretty well. On the turn i think its also a call because you dominate 7x bluffs from villain. Also on turn I dont think you should be folding 22-77 because these hands have decent equity vs bluffs and have the possibility to beat Tx. I didnt sim any of this just analyzed with flopzilla btw

Ryan 4 years, 10 months ago

Just a heuristic POV, I can see folding river being pretty good. I find it hard to believe villain will be bluffing too often once we call flop check raise and turn barrel.. You even said we fold some 8x on turn, so our range is going to be heavily Tx, meaning he will recognize that and underbluff IMO... We also will have lot's of Tx to defend with, so I don't expect to be over folding too much, and expect if folding 8x here is an overfold, it's going to be quite trivial

zinom1 4 years, 10 months ago

most people prob not bluffing much here given ip is uncapped and has Tx quite often, but I dont think IP has Tx often enough to just call Tx. If thats the case OOP betsize would be quite bad. Like I said I didnt sim the hand, just analyzed with FZ and folding 8x here is overfolding by alot.

MajinVeta 4 years, 9 months ago

Given your flop sizing, pio is betting more around 67% on the flop. On the turn, pio really doesn't seem to like using large sizings at all. It prefers blocking while still doing a lot of checking on the 9c. The 9 is a very strong card for oop after checking-raising flop. A lot of draws have gotten there and 9x backdoor flushdraw is now paired. I reran my sim just using the larger sizing you faced on the turn in order to get more betting volume in. Vs the turn bet, 87 is close to a pure continue, but a surprising amount of strong hands are folding. 86!cc is pure folding, a9, k9, and 98 is folding around 3/4 of the time. Vs the river barrel, 87 is mostly calling. But some 8x combos are mixing folds. Having a 2, 3, 6 seem like bad cards to have along with your 8 as oop is bluffing river with hands like J6, k2, Q3, etc.

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