How to View a River Calling Range
Posted by IronCondor
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Low Stakes
How to View a River Calling Range
I have been reading various posts for several weeks and finally mustered up enough courage to ask a question regarding a river calling range with the following info: we have only played a few orbits, villain is unknown, and we are unknown.
Board is KT3s 22, villain is in the CO and bets 2/3 - 3/4 Pot on the flop and turn, and he Pots the river. We assign him the following range: KK+, TT, 33, AJs+, A4s, KTs+, QJs, AJo+, KTo+, QJo (112 combos)*, and our range is: TT, 33, ATs, KTs+, QTs, JTs, T9s, ATo, KTo+ (60 combos)**
Should we view this situation in manner A or B?
A: We think the worst hand villain will value bet is KJ, so he has 60 value-combos and 52 potential bluff candidates. We also think that he will bluff > 30 of his 52 bluff combos, so we decide to call with our entire range because we are getting 2:1 from the pot, and he has too many bluff combo
B: We decide to call with 50% of our hands that beat a bluff, so we call with the top 30 of our 60 combos.
I am quite confused about why and when to go with A or B so I must have a very flawed view of GTO, which has become quite the rage. Any help clearing this up would be greatly appreciated..
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I don´t know why you think that you have a "very flawed view of GTO", to me your explanation and your ideas sound very, very solid.
Regarding the question, if we go with A or B - it´s quite "simple": if you make the assumption that Villain is too bluffheavy, go with A. If you think Villain has a close-to-optimal bluffing-frequency, go with B. If you have no clue - go with B as well.
As you can see, if you have reads on exploitable habits (V. bluffing too much) you can exploit those - and deviate from GTO. If Villain plays GTOish - OR you don´t have any reads, go with GTO.
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