How to play top set in a multi-way pot

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How to play top set in a multi-way pot

Blinds 2-5
Full Ring
Utg ($1300) open to $20, MP ($680) call, CO ($700) Call, Btn ($800) call, HERO SB ( $310) call with pocket 55
The flop came 2 4 5 rainbow
Everyone checks to Btn who bets $50
I know everyone involved in the hand may have a wide calling range, even the original raiser.
Due to all kind of posible straights, which would be the best way to play the hand, just flat call the bet, see the turn and lead betting or shove the flop knowing I can get max value from an over pair or the straight draws (Everyone at my table were so loose)


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Will Winaton 9 years, 6 months ago

Despite the fact that probably all of them can have straights if they have wide ranges it is still very unlikely, so don't even think about that when you want to decide how to play your hand.

I would call here 100% of the times on the flop, if there are more callers, I would leadshove most turns, if it goes headsup I would choose from one of the next things.. I would either just donkshove as in the previous case, or I would make a protectionlike bet, to not give him a free river or maybe induce some shoves from some bullshit.

iMRUSh 9 years, 6 months ago

I think the best to call here, don't need that much protection, to push out players behind from the pot. Also Bu has a widest range in the situation maybe. He can have TP+, GS+overs, GS + bacdoors. Most of the turn cards are okay exept a 3. If U push on the flop he can herofold some pairs easily, also close out others from the pot. Call and decide on turn.

z1pz0r 9 years, 6 months ago

I don't get why you guys want to call. Here's my reasoning for raising:
- You hate to see 3, A or 6
- You want to protect against hands like 3x, 67s, 45s, while also getting money from 66+. You might be saying there's not a lot of combos of that but the pot is 5-way.
- BU bets $50 into $110 which is pretty low, making you even more inclined to raise.

vallegando 9 years, 6 months ago

That's why I said everyone has a wide range. Your reason to raise was the same as mine, even an 8 makes a 67 straight so A 3 6 7 8 would improve a hand and give them pot odds in the turn to make the call to my bet. If a card like J Q or K appears on the turn I may be loosing value to the draws so I decided to shove on the flop and I get called by the MP with 68 (double velly)
The 3 came on the river and I lost, but anyway I get what I wanted, max value from any draw.

Will Winaton 9 years, 6 months ago

Leading flop is the best on second look as BigFiszh said.

I don't like ch/raising because when you raise flop 5way, your range is gonna be really faceup and you'll most likely win one's stack if he is very bad, or you cooler him. I see more value in calling and take the risk of a potential bad turn card.

z1pz0r 9 years, 6 months ago

We might be a bit face-up, but we still get action from 44 and 22, only losing to A3s while also protecting our hand from disasterous turn cards such as A, 3 and 6 which is a fourth of the deck! I also don't think we are that face-up, IMO in their eyes it can look as 66-99, A2s-A5s because we are so short.
I don't think donking out random turns accomplishes anything, you're only pretty much hoping that someone hit their 2 pair and will pay you off which I don't think happens nearly often enough to justify it.
I do agree though that donking out is better than anything else.

PuraVida 9 years, 6 months ago

Leading flop is OK but I'd rather check and hope UTG cbets to trap a caller or two behind and we can jam. If PFR was in late position in this pot I'd prefer a lead.

As played, it depends on BTN but I would call and lead most turns. We don't want to blow people off their pair+gutshots hands by check/jamming and flating allows BTN's air range to hit some equity on the turn.

Disharmonist 9 years, 6 months ago

x/raising look infinitly stronger than leading. We want to look like 66-TT that wont to thin the field and get more info. We dont have a bluffraising x/range here, so ppl can overfold exploititavly. Ive seen many people who raise to GII against a lead with JJ++ but they get suspicious against a x/raise.

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