How to play my range when checked too - 3bet pot turn

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How to play my range when checked too - 3bet pot turn

Hi, played this hand a while ago and have been wondering a bit about how to play play my range when checked too turn in this spot.

The boxes are what range i call flop with, checks turn with and bets turn with.

Reasonings for my ranges OTT:
I check back the ace high FDs because they have showdownvalue and can checkdown river if offered and maybe call a bet. I also check back AJo because it has SDV and im planing too checkdown if offered and turn the non-diamonds AJo to bluffs if checked too. The reason why I want to push the non-diamonds and not thoose with diamonds are because thoose with diamonds blocks Axdd,Jxdd hands that he might planned to c/r turn but know bluffing river instead. I don't wanna block his potential bluff-combos for obvious reasons.
The 44-77 I checkback too balance my bluff range and the reason why I checkback the kings with diamond kickers are also to balance up my river bluffs(AJo) and because they block some outs if he plan to c/r a FD.

NOTE!: Im  balanced in this riverbluff situation. My push range river should contain about 25% bluffs if I push when he bets ~$120 and it contains 0,24%

I bet 88-99 because I can get value from AQ,AJ,7x c/c and the FDs because they have no showdown value so they cant go checkback turn and river as my A-high FDs can.

NOTE!: I can defend my minimum defense % vs a checkraise with this range OTT.

Since it will be difficult to construct a balanced river raise range and still defend enough vs turn c/raises because I dont have enough valuehands in my range to play a mixed(?) turn strategy(checking and betting), should I maybe checkback my whole range OTT and then construct my river range such as I raise(or bet if checked too) Kx,Full Houses and missed FDs without showdownvalue? Edit: I calculated the river bluff situation wrong  so this is'nt longer a problem but I still wonder what you think about checking back your whole range OTT.

I would appreciate your guys thougts on my thougts (haha), and how you guys would would construct your range and why you would do so.

PS: It might be (probably) some mathematical mistakes and I'm sorry if so and I also apologize for my semi-bad english. Have'nt slept for while and this is my first thread so please have a little indulgence :D

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