How to play JTs Postflop?
Posted by Asvin
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Low Stakes
How to play JTs Postflop?
SB: $4.33 (Hero)
BB: $2.46
UTG: $2.46
MP: $2.52
CO: $3.32
I would really like your feedbacks on this hand.
Preflop I think it's ok. On the flop, maybe check/calling better. I almost always 33%PotBet OOP when I think my range is ahead, maybe something to fixed overtime...
On the turn, didnt know what exactly to do, the 2h is kind of a brick for him. Check/Calling or check/folding here is probably the play....
I decided to call his MinRaise giving the odds, the price was too good even if I never have the best hand on the turn.
On the river, hitting the flush I'm 99% certain to have the best hand. Didnt want to bet, giving him the chance to value his 2pairs +. Do you think Check/Raising have some +value here? On the spot, I couldn't see a hand except KQh calling a raise here. Since he MinRaise turn, dont think he holds to much K9h too... so does he call his set and straight here? (only 3 combos of KTs...)
Thanks for your help! :p
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Turn feels like a check really. Putting some reasonable hands in, I would estimate your equity is never really much better than 33% and not worse than about 28%. He has a pair+FD, KQ, some two pair, some Ax, some nutted stuff. I am not really confident in my 2 pair outs (Tx). Can fill any Kx (straight). Knowing that, we can call pretty comfortably on turns.
As played, on this river, I think we can comfortably check/raise. This runout introduces some 2 pair that spiked on turn/river (think A5cc, A2cc). We block the Kx and Qx heart draws substantially since he can't have KQhh, QJhh, QThh, etc. The question has to be how we respond to a bet/3b from him.
I agree with you, turn is a check/calling. My equity is around 25-30% vs his range. I thought I was in a worst spot :p
2 more questions on the river:
What do I do if I raise and he 3bet like you said:
River Pot = 105bb, Vilain Bet 15bb
River Pot = 120bb, Hero Raise = 45bb (maybe a bit more in that spot).
River Pot = 165bb
Vilain stack is 99bb before the call and he can raise only 69bb more, will give me 69bb/264bb so close to 1/4... if I dit it correctly :p if I call here to be profitable overtime in the same exact spot I have to be right 20% of the time.
Since only KQhh beats me, I would call hoping he goes crazy with his set, 2pair+ and KT.
Does betting the river is an option. I like the check since he raised turn. The 5 is not a great card for him, but its not a great one for me either for a good part of my range. So, I can be wrong but I think I'm missing value if I bet here. Except, maybe, if I have some reads on him saying otherwise
1) Not Folding. Especially if this hand is recent since the influx of "virus" players.
2) I don't mind bet-bet-bet/call either. Again, the "virus" factor. These guys will back into 43cc here, they will raise sets here. They have worse flushes here. What back door flushes does he have here? K9hh? I will give him K9hh. You beat the rest of the BDFD (except 43hh, which is very very unlikely).
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