how to play ax from btn 6 max
Posted by josephtamraz
Posted by josephtamraz posted in Low Stakes
how to play ax from btn 6 max
hi guys,
im finding some difficulty playing ax (lower than a 10) from btn when facin 3 bets from bb or sb. thius is for a 6 maxx zoom 10 nl.
i usually open 90 percent of my aces from btn.
i have no idea what to do when facing a 3bet.
1) i fold sometimes depending on the player if hes tight and sometimes unknown, but i dont like folding much because lots of sb and bb 3 bets would be some suited connectors. sometimes pure bluffs cz i feel 3 beetting the btn from sb and bb is kinda trending in nl 10
2) when i call its even worse, most of the time they bet me bi and im a weird spot even if i hit my ace. if its suited ax and i have a backdoor flush draw i usually call. other than that its a fold for me.
3) sometimes i like to 4 bet bluff my ax pre. doesnt work often and i often fold after facing a 5 bet shove.
what would be the optimal way to play those ax hands pre and post flop
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