How to play a big draw?
Posted by vallegando
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Mid Stakes
How to play a big draw?
I was playing a 2/5 table with an average stack of $700.
A player who was opening a lot of hands with a wide range raises in MP to $20.
I had AJ of spades in HJ and 3bet to $60 and get called by 4 players included the original raiser (A lot of recreational players who are willing to gamble CO, SB, UTG)
The flop came Ts2h8s and the pot was already $300.
Everyone checks to me and I decided to continue with the agression line and bet $130 with my two overs and nuts flush draw.
Get called by the CO and MP. The pot was $690 and I had $450 left.
The turn brings the 3d... a complete blank, MP checks and it's my turn.
Knowing the CO had nothing but a draw...what would you do in this spot?
The hand went to showdown and I'll post the result at the end, but for the purpose of this debate I don't want to spoil it.
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You shouldnt gain FEQ OTT.
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